SkyUI 4.1+
SKSE 1.6.16+
Simple Rent is a very straightforward mod that makes the player pay weekly dues for owning horses and houses. Despite the basic idea, it has a lot of features, most of which come from its huge customizability. You can set the time between rent days, from anywhere to every in-game day or every in-game month. You can change the cost of owning a horse or a house, from 5 gold to 2000, and much, much, more. Plus there's a handy guidebook that's given to you in-game. Simple Rent adds to the immersion of the game immensely, and gives a lore-friendly way of keeping down the massive amount of gold the Dovahkiin tends to collect.
Features Overview
Simple Rent has all the following features, almost all of which are customizable through its MCM:
Time Between Rent Days
Rent Value for Houses
Rent Value for Horses
Renting Enabled for Houses
Renting Enabled for Horses
Debt System
Debt System Enabled
Features Details
The guidebook added to your player when the renting begins explains all of the features, but I'll talk about them here too, albeit a bit quicker.
Time Between Rent Days:
A slider in Simple Rent's MCM will allow you to set the amount of time between each rent day.
Rent Value for Houses:
You can set the value, in gold, each house will be worth. This value is multiplied by the amount of houses you own.
Rent Value for Horses:
You can set the value, in gold, each horse will be worth. This value is multiplied by the amount of horses you own.
Renting Enabled for Houses:
You can toggle renting for houses on and off. When house renting is off, no gold will be deducted on rent days for houses.
Renting Enabled for Horses:
You can toggle renting for horses on and off. When house renting is off, no gold will be deducted on rent days for horses.
Debt System:
If you don't have enough money for a rent day, then as much as can be paid will be deducted from you, and the amount you could not pay will be remembered. On the next rent day, the extra money you didn't pay last time will be added on to the cost of the rent day. This effect stacks.
Debt System Enabled:
If you don't want to use the aforementioned debt system, then you can easily toggle it off through the MCM, and any money you were unable to pay will be forgotten.
Mod Manager Installation
1) Download Simple Rent with your mod manager of choice.
2) Activate Simple Rent in your mod manager of choice.
3) Play and lose money. In the best way possible.
Manual Installation
1) Download Simple Rent manually.
2) Extract or copy the contents of the archive to your Skyrim/Data folder.
3) Check SimpleRent.esp in your launcher.
4) Play.
Mod Manager Uninstallation
1) Double click Simple Rent in your mod manager of choice.
2) Play without Simple Rent...
Manual Uninstallation
1) Uncheck SimpleRent.esp in your launcher.
2) Delete the files associated with Simple Rent.
- You only actually need to delete SimpleRent.esp under Skyrim/Data
3) Play without Simple Rent.
Q: Does this mod work without SkyUI?
A: Actually, yes. You're very astute random reader. However, you can't customize any of the options without SkyUI, so you'll have to stay with the default. I haven't tested it without SkyUI, but it should theoretically work. If you care to test it for me, then tell me the results of your test in the comments.
Q: Is this compatible with [Insert House/Horse Mod Here]?
A: Simple Rent is compatible with all of the vanilla and DLC horses and houses. This is based on a statistic that is set when the player acquires the house or horse. If the mod in question sets the stat, then it will work. Otherwise, it will not. If you're a modder looking to make your mod compatible with Simple Rent, see this sticky post.
Q: Will this mod cause save game bloats?
A: No.
Q: It's not working/I hate you/You broke my game!
A: I very much doubt that Simple Rent broke your entire game, but if it did, then tell me what happened and I'll try to fix it. But be as specific as possible. Telling me "Simple Rent broke my game" won't get me or you anywhere, and your game-crippling bug will never be fixed.
Q: Can you add [Insert likely very cool feature here]?
A: I'm very open to suggestions, and while I don't always have a lot of time due to my other project, if the idea is possible or interesting I'll certainly try to implement it, though I can't guarantee it will make the next version.
Simple Rent should not be incompatible with any other mods. However, not all mod-added houses or horses will work with the mod. See this sticky post for instructions on how to make your house or horse compatible with Simple Rent. However, I'll soon be adding a way for the user to manually add a new house or home count, so Simple Rent will be able to register a mod-added house or horse even if the mod doesn't have built-in Simple Rent compatibility.
My Other Mods
Thanks to mastabenja and lofgren for help with the magic effect part of this. I'm hopeless with that sort of thing.
Thanks to Stan Karpinski for the idea.