My typical poor skill with scripting has reared its ugly head again. All I want to do is make it so that when you activate an unlit brazier two grates move apart from each other, creating an opening and the unlit brazier is replaced by a lit one. It cannot move back, this is one time. Sounds simple, but all I get is the brazier replaced and a sound played!
Begin az_scr_ashogala_brazierShort StateFloat Timer if ( MenuMode == 1 ) Returnendifif ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( az_ashogala_grate_state > 0 ) Return elseif ( az_ashogala_grate_state == 0 ) Set az_ashogala_grate_state to 1 Set State to 1 PlaceAtMe "md_light_az_ruin_brazier_512" 1 0 0 "md_act_grate_Ashogala_01"->Playsound3DVP "Stone Door Open 1" 1.0 1.0 Set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed If ( Timer <= 15 ) "md_act_grate_Ashogala_01"->MoveWorld X 10 "md_act_grate_Ashogala_02"->MoveWorld X -10 Else Set az_ashogala_grate_state to 2 Set State to 2 Set Timer to 0 Disable Endif EndifEndifend az_scr_ashogala_brazier
After looking at the Ghostgate script, I tried adding a global, but that did not work...
Thanks for any help.