» Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:04 pm
I have no problem paying extra for more maps and such - if you make a game so good that your customers want even more, you should get paid to make more. Game Development is neither cheap nor easy. We paid mainly for the singleplayer. I'm pissed about the current bugs too, but when they have them fixed, I'll get bored quickly by the "few" multiplayer maps. If they create more maps for hardcoe multiplayer fans like me, hell yeah, gimme those maps! It's better I pay more for my mp extras, than having people that only care about singleplayer paying a higher price for included extra multiplayer maps.
And I actually don't like it when modders get too much impact on a game. I know, without modders many things would have never happened/existed, but having everything coming from the same developer has less tendency of splitting the gaming community and/or breaking the game. Some modders are just great artists, but have no clue about gaming... Crysis Wars had some quite stupid maps made by modders, and also some quite ugly ones.
Modding competition sounds impractical to me, but would be awesome if they find a way to do it, without losing influence/money...
Once you run your own company you will understand that business and greed are to separate things (mostly).