Simplfication, this is a simplification

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:31 am

TES is turning into an action adventure.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:19 pm

TES is turning into an action adventure.

Technically, it has always been action adventure.
You go on adventures and do action :P
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:42 pm

Cool story bro.


Don't you know everybody plays RPGs because of NUMBERS!

If they remove NUMBERS they're ruining the game! NUMBERS, NUMBERS!

Tell me about it, all Bethesda are doing is reducing the amount of Number crunching you have to do in their RPGs.. Also just to say this, I hate Morrowind because it was simplified! 35 skills in Daggerfall to Morrowind's 27! That is 8 skills removed! Lol jk.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:04 am

Technically, it has always been action adventure.
You go on adventures and do action :P

Heh, when you put it that way... :foodndrink:
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:42 am

It's always been an Action RPG with Adventure game elements. So now it's becoming an Action Adventure game with RPG elements. How utterly terrifying.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:51 am

I've defended Oblivion a LOT in the past (and still do) against criticism from die-hard Morrowind fans who didn't like it, as well as so-called "hardcoe" RPG gamers who don't care for the series much in general. But I think Bethesda are going too far this time with the streamlining and accessibility crap. They're basically stripping away a lot of the core features that made Morrowind great and replacing them with lame gimmicks found in other action-RPG series. :confused:

When Skyrim was first announced, I really thought they'd listen to the fans and find some nice middleground between Morrowind and Oblivion, as well as improving flaws from both such as character models, NPCs, levelling, etc. And with all the intense criticism other games have received for streamlining / trying to become too accessible, I honestly thought there was no way in hell Bethesda would be stupid enough to go down the same road. Obviously I was wrong on both points, which is a shame.

I'll still be getting Skyrim because I care about the series... but my expectations have sunk a lot.

That is the point, the exact point.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:16 pm

^I get the sarcasm but I agree, nothing of value is lost. We have other games for rpg cravings.

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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:44 pm

Dumbing down TES since 1996! Who is it that has the sig around here? :thumbsup:

MW was just a dumbed down Daggerfall. The trend continues.......
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:27 am

You know why I am going to love this game? Because I am just going to play it, and take it on it's own merits, rather than comparing everything in it to earlier games. Simple as that.

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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:08 am

That is the point, the exact point.

So you were disappointed when they fixed leveling, character models, and NPC's? O:
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:47 am

I like to have "this is a whole new game approach". When i feel like playing Morrowind i go and play Morrowind, when i feel like playing Oblivion I go and play Oblivion. When I'll start playing Skyrim i want to say "that game has it's own feel" and not "that game is just like Morrowind/Oblivion".

Besides, I totally agree with some of the changes, like deleting acrobatics. I'm also OK with simplifying character creation by deleting classes (I'm sure the first TES characters were a total failures for most of the people here - you just couldn's know exactly what will you feel like playing, what weapons would you rather use, and when you found it out, it was too late; I don't think that was "deep", I think that was just supid).

Also, customization of you weapon and armor through smithing skill is NOT a simplification, more comples relations with NPCs is NOT a simplification, the need to use soulgems to restore your magic weapons is NOT a simplification (and I think that's a good idea too; I'm sure if it was in Morrowind and thed get deleted in Oblivion everyone would just whine about how the game gets easier and leads the player by hand.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:40 am

So you were disappointed when they fixed leveling, character models, and NPC's? O:

No, I′m not, why do you ask it? Have I said that? Can you simply answer the topic instead of inventing things?
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Jack Moves
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:11 pm

It wil still be fun, no matter what they take out. It just might not be as fun as it could have been.
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The Time Car
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:50 am

I really just can't see how this game has been 'dumbed down" in any way. Is it the 300+ hours of gameplay, the beautiful looking world, or the 280 perks allowing more customization? They could've just made a Fallout:NV for Oblivion.
@Sheogorath88: besides the stupid inability to cross dress your knee pads (Because you still can IN EVERY SINGLE OTHER WAY mind you XD) what ways?

Greaves in Morrowind and Oblivion aren't just knee pads. They're effectively trousers (pants if you're American).

And if you honestly can't see how the series is being streamlined / made much more accessible, you've either never played Morrowind and Daggerfall, or seriously need to remove the rose-tinted glasses. Even BGS have said repeatedly that they're trying to make Skyrim much more accessible than previous TES games.

Accessibility doesn't always equal dumbing down, but in this case I think it most definitely does. More accessibility should only be required when a game is incredibly difficult, complex, hard to get into. Oblivion was none of these. By RPG standards it's incredibly mainstream and easy to play. If anything, they should be taking Skyrim in the opposite direction and making it less accessible, a lot harder, and more complex. That's what most fans want. Not to be treated like mindless monkeys that need their hands held throughout the game.
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:11 am

No, I′m not, why do you ask it? Have I said that? Can you simply answer the topic instead of inventing things?

I did, and I replied to you saying that you were dissapointed with the above things, as posted by sheogorath88, which you agreed with, unless "this is the point" ment something else entirely, in which case this is a misunderstanding :unsure2:
The truth is that this is more of a sequel to Oblivion, keeping elements of all other games intact while trying to manage the introduction of new content to appeal to a wider audience while still pleasing there fan base. No one was upset by including dragons. Or more gameplay hours, or more of everything else. I'm not gonna lie and say they couldn't add greaves,just like they could've added spears. They just didn't. They're not going to, and it's a sad fate for everyone it affected, but simply not a game shattering change. I know how it feels to lose a game *COUGH* Civ V, Dragon Age II, Crysis II, Halo, etc. THOSE are games that have been dumbed down. But Skyrim? Let's wait till we play it.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:28 am

Nobody said that New Vegas was dumbed down.
But it kept FO3's armor system where you had one armor slot, and one for hat.
The attributes didn't change the gameplay much either.
It didn't have a ton of armors like Skyrim will, and didn't have a weapon/armor crafting system.
It was still very fun to play.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:36 pm

Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, I've had a bad day and just want to get in front of a screen and hack and stab and fireball the faces off some virtual gribblies. TES does this, and still leaves room for plenty of role playing, and character development, and interaction with non hostile npcs, and collecting all that armour that everyone thinks is so important, and doing faction quests, and all the stuff like alchemy and enchanting and what have you. Oh, and reading lore books, and exploring, and collecting whatever the hell takes your fancy, and buying houses, and stealing and sneaking, and getting recognised by your deeds. All the ingredients of an action/adventure game, or so it would seem.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:04 am

They could've at least let us color our armor! (ME2 fails at everything reference)

I'm just mad I can't wear different high-class pants with different high-class upper-wear.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:18 am

Not to be treated like mindless monkeys that need their hands held throughout the game.

With you all the way. However judging by the reactions of the regulars here when someone suggested a very interesting idea - different weapons being effective on different mobs - TES's contemporary audience simply dislikes complexity. Sad but true.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:34 am


Don't you know everybody plays RPGs because of NUMBERS!

If they remove NUMBERS they're ruining the game! NUMBERS, NUMBERS!

Yes yes, only numbers you see.
How about ability bash doors, banking system, more interesting smiting service, courts, capes, advantages and disadvantages, interesting enchantment, backgrounds, more defined classes.
There was more details but you see only numbers, what a shame, but Morrowind give nice equation it loose certain features but brings more also, in Oblivion such equation dont work properly and seems Skyrim will continue this.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:05 pm

With you all the way. However judging by the reactions of the regulars here when someone suggested a very interesting idea - different weapons being effective on different mobs - TES's contemporary audience simply dislikes complexity. Sad but true.

That might be the problem
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:38 pm

That might be is the problem

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:53 am

With you all the way. However judging by the reactions of the regulars here when someone suggested a very interesting idea - different weapons being effective on different mobs - TES's contemporary audience simply dislikes complexity. Sad but true.

My cousin said the things about Dragon Age: Origins that annoyed him was because the game didn't tell him where to go and that he had to keep messing around with swords and armour. He didn't like Morrowind because of the same reasons and that it was too hard. Yet he loved Oblivion and Dragon Age 2 because both of these games were easier on him. Turns out a lot of people are like him.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:51 am

You know why I am going to love this game? Because I am just going to play it, and take it on it's own merits, rather than comparing everything in it to earlier games. Simple as that.

Exactly. If people keep comparing it to older games and expecting it to be the same, of course they'll be dissapointed. It's not gonna be the same. Ever.


Don't you know everybody plays RPGs because of NUMBERS!

If they remove NUMBERS they're ruining the game! NUMBERS, NUMBERS!

Haha, so true! :thumbsup:
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Yung Prince
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:47 am

Anyone actuly put some definition into the term action adventure vs rpg. I dought it with out being highly subjective. Let Beth make the game they want then it will be better thN making the game you want just because you say doesn't make it so just because mw which is the odd tes out is In ur opinion better doesn't mean has what the deva want. Hell if some one forced me to make my art a certain way it would lack passion and would stop being art. Afraid times change and 'no' amount of cryings gunna change that. How about you wait and see or maybe they will move more towards what you want with the next get on consoles. A more powerful Beth and more powerful platform will make for better games. This ones gunna be great don't get me wrong but it's very much a product of two many eggs not enough basket space.
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