Simplicity nay-sayers should have a look at this...

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:12 am

I don't see why everyone get so bent out of shape even if the game was to be simplified. I mean after all they do want to appeal to a bigger audience, but not matter how simplified the might he there would never be an appeal for some airhead shooter gamer that only plays games like COD. I mean after all this game has dragons in it.
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maya papps
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:44 pm

Another good interview from the southern hemisphere :P.

Just goes to show how crappy our native vidya jernalists are. Rather than asking things that have already been stated over and over again, they ask interesting things that are general enough to be marketable but give us new info all the same. They're quite skilled at tricking devs into spilling things they wanted to keep under wraps :evil:

And holy crap, that dragon priest is awesome. The G4 E3 demo just doesn't do the game justice with the sound off. That fireball looked so much more satisfying with the violent explosion sound, and the priest's roar was kinda chilling. This is why I'm excited about this game. Even those who cry foul over the simplification have to admit it looks amazing.
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laila hassan
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:30 pm

Yep 2+2+2+2 +2=10 5x2 =10 simplification doesnt have to mean wrong or bad it can be bad but it doesnt have to be.

Well you forgot a a few -'s since they removed stuff from the game.

Spears, crossbows, throwing weapons

Armor slots (show more npc's aka console limitations thx guys)
They say they'll be able to have more armor types...but hey oblivoin had less armor types than morrowind and yet less armor slots as well.

Also i believe nothing

Radiant AI and how oblivion turned out.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:35 pm

The only good thing about this interview was being? able to hear the game play.


EDIT: The guy in the interview (at 3:39) confirmed the game is simplified and dumbed down.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:58 pm


Pretty damning stuff at a glance, yeah, but some of it was true (quest lines were in fact more interesting, IMO), and a lot of it can be attributed to over-excited devs who don't know when to keep their mouths shut, talking about features that were eventually cut. That's why they were so tight-lipped on Fallout 3 and even more so on Skyrim. Just wish we'd see less PR doublespeak. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they just came out and said "yeah, it's simpler now. Deal with it."
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:53 pm

The numbers are still there and the dual-wielding and spell combos add a new layer of complexity

Lol, complexity. :rolleyes:

Some are overjoyed to learn that the somewhat confusing Morrowind and Oblivion style leveling is gone and they can see direct improvements from one level to the next thanks to the perks.

Neither of the past systems games were confusing if you actually put in the tiniest bit of effort to learn how the game works.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:54 pm

Well you forgot a a few -'s since they removed stuff from the game.

Spears, crossbows, throwing weapons

Armor slots (show more npc's aka console limitations thx guys)
They say they'll be able to have more armor types...but hey oblivoin had less armor types than morrowind and yet less armor slots as well.

Also i believe nothing

Radiant AI and how oblivion turned out.

They didn't remove Spears, crossbows, and throwing weapons, as they were not in the previous. Obviously they found something flawed with them so there's probably a reason why they weren't included in Oblivion and Morrowind.

I'm sure they'll compensate for that 1 less armor slot, and if they don't I can see why. It might just be a balancing issue seeing as you can become full chameleon in oblivion.

Radiant AI was still in Oblivion, it just wasn't quite as good as they said it'll be. I'm sure they got that down this time around :wink_smile:

godlike post

That was awesome, even if they dumbed down something, they added something else that has 2x the complexity of the removed item.
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:42 pm

This doesn't reassure me much at all. He basically just starts rambling on about dual wielding when the question is thrown at him.

The problem I still have with the whole streamlining and accessibility thing is Oblivion was NOT a difficult, confusing, or particularly complex game. Even Morrowind wasn't that confusing - a lot of TES fans I know played it when they were 13-14. If you streamline and simplify something that doesn't need to be streamlined and simplified, that to me means only one thing - dumbing down.

It's all well and good saying the game will appeal to everyone, but the reality is that's rarely the case. In fact it's rather delusional to think that.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:30 am

This doesn't reassure me much at all. He basically just starts rambling on about dual wielding when the question is thrown at him.

No, no. He is talking about things they added that increase the complexity of the game. Too bad they're all on the FPS side of things instead of the RPG side.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:42 pm

Well you forgot a a few -'s since they removed stuff from the game.

Spears, crossbows, throwing weapons

Armor slots (show more npc's aka console limitations thx guys)
They say they'll be able to have more armor types...but hey oblivoin had less armor types than morrowind and yet less armor slots as well.

Also i believe nothing

Radiant AI and how oblivion turned out.

Well ill say this i see alot of additions compairitively speaking so im happy.If you dont thats cool .If you see two many negitives dont buy it thats cool.Im not saying anyones opinon is wrong just giveing mine .What i was doing was showing simplfying doesnt have to be a bad thing and it doesnt .I didnt say it couldnt be bad in this case it has alot to do with ones opinon as no one has played it.I could play it on release day and agree with something i dont right now kinda hard to say but as of now im loveing it.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:45 am

thats called sophostry. "broadened" could mean any thing. and no this is just the same chewed up and recycled information. even though they are saying that all the old elements are not gone but are just "behind the scenes" is their way of beating around the bush because they don't want to loose the people who play the game specficly because they like the "spread sheet" rpg elements. the fact that they continue to belittle the aspect that they claim has not been dumbed down is asinine and transparent.

i think that people like this are worrying over nothing this game is going to be the best elder scrolls ever

they are taking everything in the game to new heights

the graphics are through the roof

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now

stop being spazzoids and pessemists and look at the half full side of the glass for once
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brian adkins
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:51 pm

i think that people like this are worrying over nothing this game is going to be the best elder scrolls ever

they are taking everything in the game to new heights

the graphics are through the roof

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now

stop being spazzoids and pessemists and look at the half full side of the glass for once

As much as I agree with you it is impossible to negotiate with the "Todd howard is dumbing down skyrim" bandwagon team.
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J.P loves
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:51 pm

This doesn't reassure me much at all. He basically just starts rambling on about dual wielding when the question is thrown at him.

The problem I still have with the whole streamlining and accessibility thing is Oblivion was NOT a difficult, confusing, or particularly complex game. Even Morrowind wasn't that confusing - a lot of TES fans I know played it when they were 13-14. If you streamline and simplify something that doesn't need to be streamlined and simplified, that to me means only one thing - dumbing down.

It's all well and good saying the game will appeal to everyone, but the reality is that's rarely the case. In fact it's rather delusional to think that.

I never understood why streamlining was bad. Here's the definition:

To improve the appearance or efficiency of; modernize.

I don't see what's so bad about improving the game.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:56 pm

At last my fears of weak stealth gameplay have been partially exorcised. The first time I saw the stealthy bow kill at the GT E3 demo, the person next to the one being shot just stood there like a meat target. At least in this video the survivor actually looks surprised to see his friend get impaled by an arrow to the chest! Oh, how I will relish in the shadows!

EDIT: Would'nt mind them making some changes to the formula as long as it stays an Elder Scrolls game. The people who want it to be like Morrowind or Oblivion should go play those games instead; I just want to see what new kind of experience this new entry in TES will bring. I completely trust Bethesda not to mess their best IP for the sake of a larger player count.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:01 pm

i think that people like this are worrying over nothing this game is going to be the best elder scrolls ever

they are taking everything in the game to new heights

the graphics are through the roof

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now

stop being spazzoids and pessemists and look at the half full side of the glass for once

Graphics do not affect complexity of game mechanics.

Spell presentation, while awesome, does not either. The charging up thing is pretty cool, though, and shifts the variation and complexity of spellcasting to a more directly-controlled mechanic.

They actually have fewer weapons than they did in Morrowind, not more, and they've stated repeatedly that the finishing moves are strictly for show. This has nothing to do with mechanical complexity either.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:36 pm

No, no. He is talking about things they added that increase the complexity of the game. Too bad they're all on the FPS side of things instead of the RPG side.

I agree, they have added complexity to certain things like combat, NPC interactions, etc. The problem is, they're simplifying things I love about the series and care much more about than dual wielding, finisher moves or marriages.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:54 pm

We have a bethesda guy here....
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:06 pm

At last my fears of weak stealth gameplay have been partially exorcised. The first time I saw the stealthy bow kill at the GT E3 demo, the person next to the one being shot just stood there like a meat target. At least in this video the survivor actually looks surprised to see his friend get impaled by an arrow to the chest! Oh, how I will relish in the shadows!

OH YA back stabs for everyone and improved bow damage to boot.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:03 pm

Pretty damning stuff at a glance, yeah, but some of it was true (quest lines were in fact more interesting, IMO), and a lot of it can be attributed to over-excited devs who don't know when to keep their mouths shut, talking about features that were eventually cut. That's why they were so tight-lipped on Fallout 3 and even more so on Skyrim. Just wish we'd see less PR doublespeak. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they just came out and said "yeah, it's simpler now. Deal with it."

I would not complain, infact I feel alot of people would have more respect, and that these arguments would have less light if they would just stop the crap and come out with it, done and done rmemeber the whole armor isn't one piece debacle? and how many months of nosensical arguments went over about it? notice how its not as pervasive once they STATED it instead of dancing around it (ashley cheng, pete hines, etc etc) like really.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:27 pm

Well you forgot a a few -'s since they removed stuff from the game.

Spears, crossbows, throwing weapons

Armor slots (show more npc's aka console limitations thx guys)
They say they'll be able to have more armor types...but hey oblivoin had less armor types than morrowind and yet less armor slots as well.

Also i believe nothing

Radiant AI and how oblivion turned out.

ok for one if spears crossbows and throwing weapons werent in oblivion then how are they being "cut out" in skyrim

2 if they bring more armors who cares about one less armor slot

do you want as many armor slots in as morrowind but then like only 5 types of armor or 2 less armor slots but 15 different armor typs

3 i agree radiant ai in oblivion was a fail but skyrim is rewriting virtually every aspect about both that and many other things so i dont think theyll screw it up this time

now stop being such a spazoid pessimist and look to the GOOD things about this game (yea there are good things)
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:05 am

Obviously they found something flawed with them so there's probably a reason why they weren't included in Oblivion and Morrowind.

No, laziness. The fact that they are over blowing rather minor features (dragons are the only things worthy of the doting they peddle and even then) is evidence enough of that. They're trying to make up for it with distraction.

I'm sure they'll compensate for that 1 less armor slot, and if they don't I can see why. It might just be a balancing issue seeing as you can become full chameleon in oblivion.

The only reason full chameleon was ever considered a problem is because a bunch of people coming off their daze from whatever multiplayer game they were playing started applying multiplayer design ideas on to a single player game. Things like excessive balance, feeling guilty about abusing what is powerful (even though they're perfectly legitimate options), and the fact that apparently many of these people also still carried the idea, albeit a rather subconscious one, that if you aren't using what is easiest to succeed with, you're failing, which is how it is in every MP game. Thats why people always decry people for using a certain gun or power or whatever. But none of these things matter in a single-player game, where you make what you will of the world given to you. If you want to use the most powerful things in the game and just have yourself a cake, more power to you. If you want to go the opposite direction and deliberately gimp yourself, you have the same freedom.

And this was only further exacerbated by the fact that enchanting got far easier than it was in Morrowind for no good reason at all.

they are taking everything in the game to new heights No, they aren't. For every slight improvement they make, they make something else worse and thats bad game design.

the graphics are through the roof Irrelevant. Graphics mean nothing and in reality having such a large focus on graphics tends to take away from other things that actually need focus

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and Which is what you would expect out of them anyway. Beth would be idiotic not to update the looks of magic.

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now Aside from the last thing, which doesn't add anything significant to the games (oooh I can kill people pretty now, whoopdie doo), this is again what you would expect out of them. That would be rather sad if they didn't bother to create any new weapons or armor and just ported everything from oblivion.

I never understood why streamlining was bad. Here's the definition:

Being modern is not always a good thing.
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how solid
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:04 pm

Additions do not make up for subtractions, if the former was revamped ontop of the additions DAMN........that would be *****ing awesome, sadley this is not a perfect world.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:41 pm

I never understood why streamlining was bad. Here's the definition:

To improve the appearance or efficiency of; modernize.

I don't see what's so bad about improving the game.

Streamlining is only an improvement when it's really necessary in my opinion. There's such a fine line between streamlining and dumbing down that it's a dangerous thing to try and push too far.

Countless games have been worse off after going down the streamlining route.
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Wayne W
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:52 pm

As much as I agree with you it is impossible to negotiate with the "Todd howard is dumbing down skyrim" bandwagon team.

no doubt

let the ignorant be ignorant
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:22 pm

Hello hamster.
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