Simplicity nay-sayers should have a look at this...

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:39 am

Hello hamster.

Shhh, you'll scare him away. :whistling:
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:16 am

Shhh, you'll scare him away. :whistling:

Too late.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:41 am

ok for one if spears crossbows and throwing weapons werent in oblivion then how are they being "cut out" in skyrim

2 if they bring more armors who cares about one less armor slot
Like i said Morrowind had more armor and more slots than oblivion your logic is flawed.

do you want as many armor slots in as morrowind but then like only 5 types of armor or 2 less armor slots but 15 different armor typs
I'm pretty sure morrowind had more armor types than oblivion and more slots thus your logic is flawed.

3 i agree radiant ai in oblivion was a fail but skyrim is rewriting virtually every aspect about both that and many other things so i dont think theyll screw it up this time.
They can't really do to many new things has they are working on the same archaic hardware.

now stop being such a spazoid pessimist and look to the GOOD things about this game (yea there are good things)

MW2 made me a complete and total pessimist, that crysis 2, supcom 2, xcom reboot, mechwarrior reboot, what happened to C&C, whats happening with Tribes ascend.

So many things.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:06 pm

no doubt

let the ignorant be ignorant

I do admit I was concern a litlle about it being dumb down but not as much as these guys. And not as much now since I seen the interview.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:20 pm

Man, this video just shoot my hype up 100 fold
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:39 pm

Too late.

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:10 pm

i think that people like this are worrying over nothing this game is going to be the best elder scrolls ever

they are taking everything in the game to new heights

the graphics are through the roof

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now

stop being spazzoids and pessemists and look at the half full side of the glass for once

Kinda hard to say what others enjoy in a game but man it looks fun to me rpg story lines and culture with the mixture of killer looking spell systems and graphics and the sweetest looking random dragons in a game ive ever seen im stoked.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:21 am

no doubt

let the ignorant be ignorant

I love unintentional irony......
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kristy dunn
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:47 pm

i think that people like this are worrying over nothing this game is going to be the best elder scrolls ever

they are taking everything in the game to new heights No instead they're taking there profits to new heights.

the graphics are through the roof Graphics doesn't matter gameplay does.

the spells arent the generic fireball type things in oblivion and

they have new weapons armors and even FINISHING moves for combat now

Great cant wait to see this written about the game
One button combat system? No more struggling in combat just press 1 button and watch as your character defeat enemies!

stop being spazzoids and pessemists and look at the half full side of the glass for once

Just my 2¢
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Cash n Class
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:50 pm

no doubt

let the ignorant be ignorant

Ad hominem
red herring

fallacies bro they make your argument irrelevant.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:58 am

2 if they bring more armors who cares about one less armor slot

do you want as many armor slots in as morrowind but then like only 5 types of armor or 2 less armor slots but 15 different armor typs

So far, looking at the armor they've shown us, their so called variety is an illusion. It's the same pieces rearranged in different ways. You know, the kind of thing we use to be able to do ourselves back when we had more armor slots. Now we just get the few they choose to give us instead of the variety we COULD have had.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:35 pm

I noticed in the cave when Todd's character shoots the first NPC with an arrow that in this version of the video with sound it was clear that the other NPC grabbed his weapon and crouched down in reaction. In a number of previous threads folks said he just stood there not reacting. I like the idea that our character can have enough of a stealth skill to "confuse or make it difficult" for an NPC to figure out where a shot came from rather than immediately honing in on our character as if we had a red beacon over our heads as soon as we attack.


P.S. it's around 5:04 to 5:07
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:20 am

No, laziness. The fact that they are over blowing rather minor features (dragons are the only things worthy of the doting they peddle and even then) is evidence enough of that. They're trying to make up for it with distraction.
And I I assume you have daily conversations with the devs that include them telling you how lazy they are. Not to be rude, but would you like it if someone called you lazy from an ignorant speculation? You need to lighten up buddy. :obliviongate:

The only reason full chameleon was ever considered a problem is because a bunch of people coming off their daze from whatever multiplayer game they were playing started applying multiplayer design ideas on to a single player game. Things like excessive balance, feeling guilty about abusing what is powerful (even though they're perfectly legitimate options), and the fact that apparently many of these people also still carried the idea, albeit a rather subconscious one, that if you aren't using what is easiest to succeed with, you're failing, which is how it is in every MP game. Thats why people always decry people for using a certain gun or power or whatever. But none of these things matter in a single-player game, where you make what you will of the world given to you. If you want to use the most powerful things in the game and just have yourself a cake, more power to you. If you want to go the opposite direction and deliberately gimp yourself, you have the same freedom. I sort of agree with you on this one.

And this was only further exacerbated by the fact that enchanting got far easier than it was in Morrowind for no good reason at all.

Being modern is not always a good thing.
How so?

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:14 pm

I don't get why people are so worked up about scaling back the visibility of stats. Your character, thanks to perks, duel wielding and overhauled spell and stealth systems, has more ways than ever to approach each situation. This is complexity.

Despite this, some people complain about the loss of attributes and a few skills. For what reason? I've played both Morrowind and Oblivion for hundreds of hours, and my enjoyment came from the exploration, the combat and the quests. I never once thought "Oh man, if Bethesda removes the silly little numbers representing every aspect of my character I'll lose all faith in the series."

The days of the slow, traditional RPG that relied more on numbers than player skill are over, with mixed results. IPs like The Witcher improved by moving to a action-oriented, perk-based format, while others like Dragon Age suffered. Be thankful that Skyrim hasn't done away with stats altogether, because Bethesda knows that they are, to some extent, integral to the experience.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:12 pm

God I hope they alter the horse before Skyrim is released...
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:44 am

I noticed in the cave when Todd's character shoots the first NPC with an arrow that in this version of the video with sound it was clear that the other NPC grabbed his weapon and crouched down in reaction. In a number of previous threads folks said he just stood there not reacting. I like the idea that our character can have enough of a stealth skill to "confuse or make it difficult" for an NPC to figure out where a shot came from rather than immediately honing in on our character as if we had a red beacon over our heads as soon as we attack.


Yea I remembered that the guy was a complete idiot instead of running away and/or looking around or getting help he just stood there and said "Hey get a perfect headshot of me too".
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:56 am

Just my 2¢

Why not ?Just get youre spread sheet and push the button and let the sheet figure it out.?Just makeing an overthe top example like you did there has to be a middle ground some will want it a little this way others a little that way but the games gonna rock :mohawk:
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:16 am

There's hardly reason to ease any worries since they seem to be centered around pauldrons, combined armors and some removed skills.

It's been simplified, they have removed things, some of the things they have changed have been incorporated in a different way that is more simplified.

otherwordsotherwords the game has been simplified to a degree, that doesn't mean it's bad, but is has been simplified.

We know very little of the game at this point. What is known is couple of removed skills and speculation about removed armor pieces. Now, to make your argument that things have been simplified overall, you would need to know all the things Bethesda has added to the game and evaluate the sum, but as I said, we know very little about the game so nothing like that can be done. This whole simplification moaning is just pure speculation and I find all the negativity highly curious because there's simply no factual basis for it. It's as if people would actually want the game to be bad.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:31 pm

Yea I remembered that the guy was a complete idiot instead of running away and/or looking around or getting help he just stood there and said "Hey get a perfect headshot of me too".

Meh, not everyone runs, some are rooted in place out of fear. I've rewatched this several times now and besides grabbing his weapon and crouching a bit it does appear that he kind of ducks and looks from side to side, but it's very difficult to see. Regardless of how much of an "idiot" he was he did in fact react to what happened which previously threads said he stood there and did nothing.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:15 pm

It seems that this thread is dying down a little.. not much rage.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:44 am

Meh, not everyone runs, some are rooted in place out of fear. I've rewatched this several times now and besides grabbing his weapon and crouching a bit it does appear that he kind of ducks and looks from side to side, but it's very difficult to see. Regardless of how much of an "idiot" he was he did in fact react to what happened which previously threads said he stood there and did nothing.

Kinda hard to know where to run if you dont know where the arrows are coming from lets let the guy put one in our chest from three feet .
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gary lee
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:08 am

It seems that this thread is dying down a little.. not much rage.

please no point, One side is vocalizing concerns and the other is saying lalalalalala be quiet lalalalaaaa, or don't buy the game.

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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:12 pm

There's hardly reason to ease any worries since they seem to be centered around pauldrons, combined armors and some removed skills.

We know very little of the game at this point. What is known is couple of removed skills and speculation about removed armor pieces. Now, to make your argument that things have been simplified overall, you would need to know all the things Bethesda has added to the game and evaluate the sum, but as I said, we know very little about the game so nothing like that can be done. This whole simplification moaning is just pure speculation and I find all the negativity highly curious because there's simply no factual basis for it. It's as if people would actually want the game to be bad.

I updated the OP because of your armor arguement. :)

Just might be another way of "hiding" things... *teehee*
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:17 pm

Omg if you listen to the sounds the dragon makes they are effing awesome.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:05 am

Why not ?Just get youre spread sheet and push the button and let the sheet figure it out.?Just makeing an overthe top example like you did there has to be a middle ground some will want it a little this way others a little that way but the games gonna rock :mohawk:

No I meant you press one button and you instantly win and kill your enemies no matter what.

Meh, not everyone runs, some are rooted in place out of fear. I've rewatched this several times now and besides grabbing his weapon and crouching a bit it does appear that he kind of ducks and looks from side to side, but it's very difficult to see. Regardless of how much of an "idiot" he was he did in fact react to what happened which previously threads said he stood there and did nothing.

I don't know about you but if the guy in front of me just got shot in the face with a arrow I would run, get help, and/or get a torch or pick up the burning wood and try to find who did it. I wouldn't stand there and say "hey im afraid so ill just let you get a perfect headshot so ill die quick". Either way stealth killing with a bow is going to be ridiculously overpowered and too easy.
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