So then why do we have seperate melee skills at all? Why are magic schools seperated into different skills?
Skills define your character, and define how your character progresses. Removing skills, even skills that do the same thing, removes a part of defining your character.
If all skills must be different in action, then we would end up with only a small handful of skills, perhaps eventually just magic, stealth, and combat.
Besides, with perks we could have different weapon skills, and then the perks can modify those skills in numerous ways. We could learn new and interesting power attacks from perks tied to those skills. Or we could the weapon types could be very different in action, like they should be but never have.
Just because a character uses a sword doesn't mean he will be good with a great axe. I just don't get why people need to be equally good with every weapon even though they have never used a mace.