NOTE: This is NOT a troll post. There is a clear difference in mindset between a console RPGer and a PC RPGer with respect to how they approach things in a game.
EDIT: OK, a lot of people are immediately jumping all over me calling me stupid and claiming my logic is flawed. You're not actually hearing me out. You are assuming I'm just trying to start another PC vs console war. I'm not. I'm saying that there are reasons why the phrase "dumbed down for consoles" exists. It's because the average gamer is a console gamer. The people in the video I linked to our pretty typical console gamers in my opinion. My whole point is that instead of "dumbing down" games, we should be bringing the console gamer up.
What I'm saying is that had Skyrim been developed for the PC first (and then ported to consoles) we would have a better overall game that even console players would enjoy more.