If you take parts of the social life in Sims 3 for example;
- Marriage, kids, dating, jealousy, NPCs trying to murder you because your sleeping with his wife and he caught you in the act or kissing.
I'm not that sold on these specific things, particularly since the game just isn't set up for that sort of time scale, much less that sort of NPC complexity. That said though, I would love to see NPCs that were complex enough that any one or all of those things might be possible. For instance, my Orc mage Bogmok has a wistful crush on Rochelle Bantien, and it would be amusing if he could actually try to steal her away and maybe end up in a confrontation with Samuel over her. Or maybe more likely end up with Rochelle telling him to go away and leave her alone. Or whatever...... In any event complex NPCs would be great to see - the details of what's done with that complexity are less important to me.
Meh. Again, NPC complexity would be nice, though I'm not that impressed with the idea of "friends" per se.
On some of my Oblivion characters, I use a mod that adds cats. I like that quite a bit, since they're much like real cats - that is, they pretty much take care of themselves, but they don't really function as companions. I use another from the same author that adds a house that includes two dogs, and the dogs are quite nice, but they're just not satisfactory. The way they're set up by default, they're extremely powerful, so they're never in any real danger. The problem though is that they're sort of unbalancing, since they're so powerful. I like letting them roam around the area around the house, since they can more than handle themselves, but I don't like taking them anywhere with me, since they're sort of uber. But if they were weaker, then I'd run the risk that they'd die, and I don't want that either. And the only other option is to make them essential, but I don't want that either. So they just roam around on their own. I'd sort of like to see dogs added, but I'm not sure how they could be done well.
Absolutely. That was a thing that I really hated in Oblivion - we had these great houses and interesting stuff (though nowhere near as much variety of stuff as in Morrowind, but still...) and it was just pretty much impossible to decorate anything. The best you can do is place an item or two on some out of the way table or shelf, then never go near it again, lest you bump into it and send it flying across the room.
I don't even care so much about furniture or anything. I guess it'd be nice to customize it, but I probably wouldn't bother anyway, so I'd prefer that at most it was an option rather than a necessity. But I do want two things:
1. To be able to place items exactly where I want them, rather than waving them around like a drunk with parkinson's.
2. To have them stay there after I put them there.
What is your opinion? Would you want a mod like that for Skyrim?
A mod? Sure. Who wouldn't? Certainly there are people who wouldn't want those things in the vanilla game (I'd only want some of them, and to some degree), but who could be concerned over a mod?
I'd like to see a mod that turns Skyrim into a racing game, sort of like NFS Carbon or Most Wanted. The Dovahkiin would be, you know, someone who was arrested crossing the border into Skyrim, but he gets busted out of prison and set up with a starter car and has to go out and race and make money and buy upgrades and get new cars..... If nothing else, it'd amuse me to run races against something like an S2000 driven by an ogre.......