Very light spoilers ahead if you haven't played the game at all. Basically sums up my thoughts on being able to return to the Vault.
*My character chilling at the vault, curled in fetal position, with his favorite snack of choice - Fancy Lad Snack Cakes*
Preston: Heeeeey buddy, what's wrong? No one has seen you in some time.
Me: *sniff...I went outside's awful out there. There was this raider...and he eats people...and it...sniff...all svcks out there.
Preston: But the Minutemen need and settlements need you!
Me: Screws you guys; I'm going home.
Preston: Hey, you can't stay in here forever.
Me: Yes, yes I can. This place is filled with Cryostasis pods and a nuclear fusion power generator. I can literally stay in here forever.
Piper: Hey Blue! We got a world to explore, and stories to follow!
Me: Ya, @#$% that @#$% Piper.
Paladin Danse: Hey soldier, as a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, it's our duty to ex-
Me: Can it, tin can.
Nick Valentine: I can understand the need to be alone. I often question who I am and seek to find myself.
Me: Ya, finding yourself is something you can do with 10 minutes of alone time - by yourself.
Dogmeat: Ruff!
Me: *snuggles with Dogmeat.