what do you hope to see or want fo both PC and console ???
I really hope there is at least one decent Rick and Morty mod it could work really really well
what do you hope to see or want fo both PC and console ???
I really hope there is at least one decent Rick and Morty mod it could work really really well
only mod i be interested in from the get go is a companion cap mod or a mod that lets your wife/husband be a companion.
I really don't have any idea what kind of mods I'd like to see, except maybe for a UI overhaul (which seems to be a necessity for any Bethesda game). I'll have to play vanilla for a while before I know beyond that.
I don't know about marriage, but we know all the available companions in the games, if they are human, can be romance options. That more than likely means every other NPC in the game cannot be a romance option. BGS seems to be taking a BioWare approach to their love storytelling now.
As far as mods are concerned, probably a UI overhaul as Fallout 4 will probably be catered to consoles. SkyUI will forever be the best mod for Skyrim (and most popular). After that, HD texture mods, ENB, body replacers, animations, really any quality of life stuff that BGS didn't give enough detail to.
I mean the wife/husband from the pre war as i can see the gender you don't pick gets deaded.
I mean the wife/husband from the pre war as i can see the gender you don't pick gets deaded.
Unofficial Patch. Knowing Beth's absolutely horrendous QA it's necessary. Although it's pointless to wish one since there definitely will be one.
UI mod. Based on what I've seen, Beth still haven't learned the lesson. Space is still wasted excessively, info given by UI elements is minimal, etc.
??? the game isn't even out yet, no idea what i'd want to add to it. I probably won't even add any mods to it until the game is "finished" as in no new dlc/patches.
Your spouse and child are allegedly "dead." There is no confirmation that they are actually no longer living. A better question you should ask yourself is why even have them in the game in the tutorial only to kill them shortly thereafter? You have no connection to something you've barely experienced. I won't say anymore.
I want a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGTYgRh-PI8 mod and this is how we meet him.
i can see the child being alive, the whole searching the wastelands for your kid story seems likely.
Forgot about the unofficial patch - that'll be another one I know I'll need.
Do you really think Todd Howard is going to give away the story of the game? Do you really think he's filling in every single little detail? Lets not be naive. I've been watching and following his tactics for many years. He may fool the newcomer, but this is his typical PR strategy to try and set the tone of the game.
As far as the spouse and child, we know they made it to the vault and were more than likely put it a cryogenic sleep just like the protagonist. You are the "sole survivor of Vault 111" because you are the only one that comes out of it as the game continues. Who's to say your spouse and child haven't already left or were forced out? Think about it.
You do realize BGS didn't show all of the footage? Right? Again, you are the "sole survivor" when you come out alone. Context matters, and you are making a massive amount of assumptions. Believe they are dead if you wish. I think you may be pleasantly surprised and shocked when you play the game.
I take it you never heard the train crash anology?
Sole Survivor and family get on the train at one stop
Next stop the family get off, leaving the Sole Survivor on the train.
Then there's a crash before the train gets to the third stop, with the Sole Survivor being the only one left alive. They are the Sole Survivor of the crash, but their family is still alive
This is exactly what I mean. Thank you for clarifying.
I don't know what mods I want. I don't even know what's in the game yet.