So I'm just swinging by the Boston Public Library to finally pick up the surgical journal you can get there (been procrastinating about that since like level 20 and I'm level 42 now...) As I'm leaving I get a tiny bit away from the library when I suddenly hear Diamond City Radio playing, and rather loudly I might add. At first I thought it must be an eyebot, but no such robot could be found in the area. After following the sound I came to a little pile of rubble next to a building which proved to be the source of the noise (the pile of rubble was the source, not the building). Anyway it's clearly a bug of some kind, and a funny one at that. I was just curious if anybody else had run into this during their exploration of the Commonwealth. If so was it the same pile of rubble I mentioned? Anyone heard any other "singing" bits of garbage in the wasteland?