You sound fine to me - I think it's weirder to be a person who needs to be in a relationship all the time, and every relationship/crush is with "the one", and it's more intense than the last. That type of attitude just doesn't seem healthy to me.
I agree with this person. (sorry don't know if you are boy or girl

Nothing wrong in being single. Here is my words of wisdom when someone was so disheartend when trying to find love.
Trying to find True Love, is impossible. You will never find it. What you have to do is let love find you. So stop looking for it. Be single. Do what you do for fun. Sew your wild oats sort to speak if you need to. Go dancing, gaming, or what ever you do for fun. When you stop looking for Love that is when Love will smack you right side of the head. Stop looking for love. Once you stop looking for Love, it can be 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years, or more, but Love will find you.
That is what I did. I gave up on looking for love and when I least exepected it, it found me. Been with her for over 12 years now. Yes things gets rocky but we still together.
So it's perfectly natural for you to be single and not be interested in looking for a relationship. There are millions of people who don't care for a relationship. You are not alone and perfectly normal. Just live you life on how you would like to and enjoy being single. Who knows, you may want to be single for the rest of your life. Then again you may want to be married. Thing is, it will happen naturally.
All I can say is, Never say NEVER. I havd a few girls tell me, they would never fall in love or get marriend and have children. They said I was young (well back then I was young LOL) and I didn't know anything how the world works. Guess what. They are married now. All of them. They found their love, and 2 of them had kids. They stopped looking for love, dating and all that crap and found true love and are married now.
So enjoy your freedom while you have it, because anytime now, you may find true love and be marriend then LOL.