But it seems like ALL the console commands have been removed from the latest version of C2.
I will beg. I will grovel. I will pay money if necessary - some game developers are actually offering paid cheat DLCs now, namely Saints Row 3 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. I find the practice kind of disturbing, as video games used to have cheat codes for free, but whatever.
I just want to go on a nano-suit rampage. Is that so wrong?
I've just finally gotten around to finishing my first (and probably only) playthrough of Crysis 2, and I can't really get excited about replaying it unless I can get some cheats working. Infinite suit energy if nothing else, preferably infinite ammo / all guns as well. I never even got to shoot half the guns in the game thanks to the wretched "carry 2" limitation and the ridiculously low ammo limits. So much wasted potential, so many toys I have yet to play with.
If anyone can help, I'd sincerely appreciate it.
P.S. if anyone wants to flame me for cheating in a single-player game, just move along.

Thanks in advance!!