Okay, so some of you have been following my comments regarding single-player instancing and ESO, but I felt it would be a good idea to provide a detailed explanation of why I oppose it.
First and foremost, my opposition has nothing at all to do with difficulty level of mobs or bosses within a given instanced dungeon. Even were my character maxed out with everything, I'd not enter a low-level single-player instanced dungeon, out of principle alone - even knowing I could one shot kill the boss in question. So again, difficulty of play has nothing to do with my argument.
So why am I so vehemently opposed to single-player only instances? I play this MMO with my wife, and we play as a grouped team. If she isn't playing, then I don't play. When we do play in an MMO, we do everything together - and I mean everything. Both of us have played characters together for a long time, and we communicate very well together, often knowing what the other will do even without verbal communication. Many others play MMOs for very similar reasons: They enjoy grouping together all throughout the game, and they have no desire to quest as a single player.
In case all that isn't clear, grouping is vitally important to many of us who play, and we insist on cooperative grouping. So we have no desire to be forced into single-player instancing - at all - ever.
Now I'm not demanding that those who desire to enter instanced dungeons as single players be prohibited from doing so. By all means, they should!
A couple of popular counter-arguments to my stance have surfaced:
- Grouped players will have an easier time defeating mobs and bosses in an instanced dungeon than would a single player
- Grouped players in an instanced dungeon will miss out on developing game mechanics and skills, vice the single player in the same instanced dungeon
Addressing the first concern, I offer this compromise:
- Level up the mobs and boss in a given instanced dungeon in proportion to the size of the group that enters
- Reduce XP and loot in accordance with the size of the group entering the instanced dungeons.
As for the second concern, my response is, "I don't care." If you percieve that grouped players are missing out on developing game mechanics, then that is our issue - not yours.
This isn't a single-player game. If you want to engage in a single-player ESO , there are a plethora of TES titles that have been released to date that will offer you what you desire.
This isn't WoW or any other MMO. This is ESO. None of the compromises I offered above in any way adversely affects the ability of other players to enter instanced dungeons in single-player mode. There is simply no logical reason to insist that instanced dungeons remain single-player only.