You're making your self get upset from assuming to much. Yes H2H has been cut as a skill. Does that meen you can't punch? No you can still punch but it does not count as a skill becuase H2H as a skill does not fit the Skyrims game mechanics. You are right about one thing though.... you can whine and cry as much as you bloody well please, but you're just making yourself upset over a video game which is silly :tongue:. A word of can cry and whine all you want but its not going to change anything, its Bethesda's game and they do as they wish with it and what they think is best and I'm sure they are aware of people like you crying and complaning over somthing that they don't like. Bethesda improved some things from the feed back from Oblivion and yet fans are still crying and :swear:. Than TES VI will come around and more fans will find more things to complain and nitpick about that they don't like. Its the same cycle. Daggerfall fans hated the idea of Morrowind than they loved it, than Oblivion came around and they hated it, than know they love it, and now Skyrim has finally come around and people are hating some things. Skyrim will ship and people will love it.

Uh, for one, if you think Elder Scrolls is just a "Video game" you should just get out now, because to everyone else its much more than that. Its an experience in a different world that we have been with for a very long time. Theres lore, adventure, action, relationships and much more. Its more than just a game to me, even if it isn't to you.
Also, Bethesda might have developed the game, but its not theirs. Without us, TES would just be a forgotten memory known for 1-2 games. Without us fans, Morrowind wouldn't be seen as one of the best RPG's of all time. So no, its not really their game, its ours.