Edit: Didn't mean to quote.
Okay, but there are those of us who are going to still play the game. Are we allowed to criticize certain aspects of it? It seems like anytime someone has any sort of critical viewpoint of this game the thread descends into a "THEN DON'T PLAY IT GAAAAWD" debacle.
I still want to play the game, but in all honest I will be very disappointed in a one suit armor system.
I have to agree with this, I don't expect to not play Skyrim at all simply because I don't get to mix and match armor slots as I see fit, but sometimes I can like a game without approving of every decision the developers made with it, if everything else is good, a lack of seperate armor slots won't stop me from playing the game, but if such a change is made, I will not be pleased with it. When I first started the series with Morrowind, I was impessed to see a level of apparel customization I had not seen in other games, at the time, the games I played mostly just had a generic "armor" slot and a seperate helmet, gloves and boots at best, if you were lucky, the armor and helmet might change your appearance, but the gloves and boots were usually just for their stats. Yet with Morrowind, armor and clothing were divided into many parts, and aside from jewelry and belts, everything you wore would be visible on your character, this level of customization was new to me, and it's probably the first game that really made me think about trying to make my character look visually distinct through the clothing and armor I chose to wear, rather than just choosing whatever has the best stats, Oblivion was somewhat of a step down from this, but still had a decent level of customization, and had the added benefit of being able to see rings and amulets on your character. Sure, not all armor combinations looked good, but I don't mind, it's not like just because I have to make ugly characters just because I can, if I dislike certain combinations of armor, I can choose not to wear them, in any case, I would not want to lose the ability to create the combination I want simply to remove the potential of creating a character that doesn't look good.
I'm pretty sure what the article meant was that in your inventory armor of the same type will be combined together into one suit to cut down on clutter.
That's possible, I suppose, if that's the case, it could be a good way to cut down on inventory clutter and make changing beteeen seperate outfits more streamlined, so long as they remember to include a simple way to combine parts from different armors or wear only the pars of an armor you want, of course.
On the plus side, even if there were single suits........ Fallout 3, while it had single suits? The framework for pieces was there, and modders discovered it. Which lead to mods like Tailor Maid, which gave lots of pieces to build armor out of. So this could potentially be "fixed" with a mod.
Of course, that'd svck for console users.
Perhaps so, though like you said, it wouldn't be helpful for console users, and in any case, the fact that I can wait for someone to make a mod for something (To make one myself I'd need both the tools and skills to create new models or edit existing ones, neither of which I have.) doesn't really make me feel good about it not being in the game from the start if it's something I feel should have been in from the start, if it was in from the start, we wouldn't need mods for it.