single suit armor

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:05 am

How is disagreeing with a direction a game is taking being a cry baby? Not everyone that is saying they dislike one-piece-armors is saying they refuse to play the game. Some of us 'whining' are stating our opinions quite civilly without any of the drama that you seem to associate with people who have an issue. Maybe one or two people are being 'rawr I won't play', but the rest of us are having a discussion, and it really svcks when someone is calling you a crybaby for having a discussion.

My posts was obviously not to you than, right? I was only referring to a few people. Thanks for sharing your concerns. It seems as though I hurt your feelings or made you mad or somthing, but if you were having a civil discussion than thats obviously fine but my thoughts and opinions never concerned you or they others who were having a civil discussion, so why did you reply to me? I was just giving my opinion on looking at the positive things and not the negative. All I've seen latly is people bashing and trashing Bethesda for making changes for what they thinks best, but some people just can't cope with that, but you're not one of them so don't worry about it.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:54 am

On the plus side, even if there were single suits........ Fallout 3, while it had single suits? The framework for pieces was there, and modders discovered it. Which lead to mods like Tailor Maid, which gave lots of pieces to build armor out of. So this could potentially be "fixed" with a mod.

Of course, that'd svck for console users.

Still, I can't believe they'd do that - multi-piece armor has been a big feature of previous TES games. (It's also not a real trend... every MMO and ARPG has piecemeal armor. Even Mass Effect 2 had it.)

Fallout 3 had single suits because FO1 & 2 did. And, except for the Raiders, mixed-up armor wouldn't really make much sense - between Power Armor, various jumpsuits, and Combat Armor, most "real" gear matched. :shrug:

and if the unthinkable happens i will download that mod. that is if they are serious about figuring out how to get console players to be able to use mods.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:03 am

I haven't read all the posts yet, but I'm hoping this is hijinx!

I've been on board with pretty much all the changes so far... but this is not acceptable -- if it is true.

What will this say about the crafting skill for armor then? That would pretty much svck too.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:39 am

Edit: Didn't mean to quote.

Okay, but there are those of us who are going to still play the game. Are we allowed to criticize certain aspects of it? It seems like anytime someone has any sort of critical viewpoint of this game the thread descends into a "THEN DON'T PLAY IT GAAAAWD" debacle.

I still want to play the game, but in all honest I will be very disappointed in a one suit armor system.

I have to agree with this, I don't expect to not play Skyrim at all simply because I don't get to mix and match armor slots as I see fit, but sometimes I can like a game without approving of every decision the developers made with it, if everything else is good, a lack of seperate armor slots won't stop me from playing the game, but if such a change is made, I will not be pleased with it. When I first started the series with Morrowind, I was impessed to see a level of apparel customization I had not seen in other games, at the time, the games I played mostly just had a generic "armor" slot and a seperate helmet, gloves and boots at best, if you were lucky, the armor and helmet might change your appearance, but the gloves and boots were usually just for their stats. Yet with Morrowind, armor and clothing were divided into many parts, and aside from jewelry and belts, everything you wore would be visible on your character, this level of customization was new to me, and it's probably the first game that really made me think about trying to make my character look visually distinct through the clothing and armor I chose to wear, rather than just choosing whatever has the best stats, Oblivion was somewhat of a step down from this, but still had a decent level of customization, and had the added benefit of being able to see rings and amulets on your character. Sure, not all armor combinations looked good, but I don't mind, it's not like just because I have to make ugly characters just because I can, if I dislike certain combinations of armor, I can choose not to wear them, in any case, I would not want to lose the ability to create the combination I want simply to remove the potential of creating a character that doesn't look good.

I'm pretty sure what the article meant was that in your inventory armor of the same type will be combined together into one suit to cut down on clutter.

That's possible, I suppose, if that's the case, it could be a good way to cut down on inventory clutter and make changing beteeen seperate outfits more streamlined, so long as they remember to include a simple way to combine parts from different armors or wear only the pars of an armor you want, of course.

On the plus side, even if there were single suits........ Fallout 3, while it had single suits? The framework for pieces was there, and modders discovered it. Which lead to mods like Tailor Maid, which gave lots of pieces to build armor out of. So this could potentially be "fixed" with a mod.

Of course, that'd svck for console users.

Perhaps so, though like you said, it wouldn't be helpful for console users, and in any case, the fact that I can wait for someone to make a mod for something (To make one myself I'd need both the tools and skills to create new models or edit existing ones, neither of which I have.) doesn't really make me feel good about it not being in the game from the start if it's something I feel should have been in from the start, if it was in from the start, we wouldn't need mods for it.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:13 am

Having all that doesn't mean we should lose the customization the TES is known for. I would personally find it completely unacceptable to have single set armor, would I still by the game? Most assuredly, but I'll complain about it every chance I get because there would literally be no excuse for it.

I agree and understand, but we will just have to wait and see what they do, I'm sure there are seperate armour but if theres not than I doubt Bethesda will change it, and people would just have to get over it.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:52 am

Stop Whining and crying over armour slots. Why would some of you say: "I'm not buying Skyrim becuase of the single peice armour slots!" Okay than don't buy it no one cares, if you really want to miss out on the quests, factions, Daedric Princes, main quest, story, lore, exploring, ect. that Skyrim brings and not buy it just becuase of armour being a single peice than you're missing out. If thats true about the armour than I will be upset but I will keep in mind that its only a video game and there's still tons more + over - and way more stuff to do in the game. ^_^

Who said that if i wont buy i will miss the story, the quests, the lore etc?
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:45 am

Who said that if i wont buy i will miss the story, the quests, the lore etc?

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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:01 am

Erm, in addition to Pete's confirmation, we've seen a variety of characters in the screenshots wearing that "harness" piece of armor with/without helmets and with/without pauldrons. Unless this is just some kind of cobbled-together gladiator look with different aesthetic variants, that information couldn't be correct. With the new smithing system, armor and weapons should be more complex.

Right? :angel:

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:09 am

this was something else new to me that was in the artical...

sword and torch- "Not only can torches light dark areas, but they can now be used for blocking, and bashing enemies will set them on fire."

i heard about torches being back, but i never suspected you could use them as a shield and to set things on fire
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:58 am

Notice it's Clothing not Armor.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:56 am

Uh, for one, if you think Elder Scrolls is just a "Video game" you should just get out now, because to everyone else its much more than that. Its an experience in a different world that we have been with for a very long time. Theres lore, adventure, action, relationships and much more. Its more than just a game to me, even if it isn't to you.

Also, Bethesda might have developed the game, but its not theirs. Without us, TES would just be a forgotten memory known for 1-2 games. Without us fans, Morrowind wouldn't be seen as one of the best RPG's of all time. So no, its not really their game, its ours.

I love TES and I can play hours and hours on it. I spent over 300 hours with Oblivion and MW, but it still does not change the fact and the truth that its still a video game. Yes you put it in your tray or DVD ROAM and you play it. is TES the best video game, YES! In my opinion it is and as much as I wish it was real life lol its still a video game whether you or I like it. For the seconed sentence of yours: than why don't you just go get a job at Bethesda and maby you could make some big helpful changes, no? Than leave it to the masters of RPG's.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:32 pm

I almost had a heart attack until I read the responses. That would be horrible if there were 1 piece suits.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:14 am

I love TES and I can play hours and hours on it. I spent over 300 hours with Oblivion and MW, but it still does not change the fact and the truth that its still a video game. Yes you put it in your tray or DVD ROAM and you play it. is TES the best video game, YES! In my opinion it is and as much as I wish it was real life lol its still a video game whether you or I likes it. For the seconed sentence of yours: than why don't you just go get a job at Bethesda and maby you could make some big helpful changes, no? Than leave it to the masters of RPG's.

When did I ever claim I wanted a job at Bethesda or that I was a master at RPG's? I didn't. I said, without us fans buying thier games and loving them, there would be no TES. Hell, there wouldn't even be a video game industry <_<

And try telling the people that spend years of their life reading up on TES lore that its just a game. That won't go over very well.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:13 pm

That would be a disappointment it's true. Seems like it'd limit what we could do with the new smithing and enchant skills. I'm going to wait before believing it though. After that one article saying Skyrim would only have three skills and that other thing about the Facebook integration I'm inclined to take what they're saying with a grain of salt unless it's a quote from the developers.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:35 am

this was something else new to me that was in the artical...

sword and torch- "Not only can torches light dark areas, but they can now be used for blocking, and bashing enemies will set them on fire."

i heard about torches being back, but i never suspected you could use them as a shield and to set things on fire

well come to think of it stonefrog is right :celebration: and on your comment good i would like to beat people with a torch :D
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emily grieve
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:51 pm

Who said that if i wont buy i will miss the story, the quests, the lore etc?

What I meant was that you will not get to experiance it firsthand if you know what that means? Its different than playing than it is watching.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:08 pm

What I meant was that you will not get to experiance it firsthand if you know what that means? Its different than playing than it is watching.

He's referring to piracy, actually.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:56 am

I still think PSM meant that armor sets are combined in the inventory to reduce clutter.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:04 pm

Notice it's Clothing not Armor.

Could be both. Still half the people complaining about one piece armour will complain about one piece cloths. Besides, seprate clothing is just as silly.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:59 am

When did I ever claim I wanted a job at Bethesda or that I was a master at RPG's? I didn't. I said, without us fans buying thier games and loving them, there would be no TES. Hell, there wouldn't even be a video game industry <_<

And try telling the people that spend years of their life reading up on TES lore that its just a game. That won't go over very well.

HA! very true :celebration:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:11 am

I still think PSM meant that armor sets are combined in the inventory to reduce clutter.

I tweeted Pete about that specifically. We'll see if he responds...
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:09 pm

I almost had a heart attack until I read the responses. That would be horrible if there were 1 piece suits.

They probably mean ike the Dark Brotherhood.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:41 pm

When did I ever claim I wanted a job at Bethesda or that I was a master at RPG's? I didn't. I said, without us fans buying thier games and loving them, there would be no TES. Hell, there wouldn't even be a video game industry <_<

And try telling the people that spend years of their life reading up on TES lore that its just a game. That won't go over very well.

I did'nt mean it in a disrespectful way at all, so I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone. I love TES just as musch as the next person. But I know I got my real life to deal with first and its real life problems and I'm sure other people have to deal with theirs too, so I don't understand all the hate and complaining over a video game, its for your entertainment and enjoyment not somthing to be taken serously and thats the truth. So I don't understand such bashing and whining over TES which by the way is the best video game ever :tes: I can understand civil diagreement and upsets but in my opinion its going to far, but thats just my opinion, if it does not concern you than don't worry about it :thumbsup:
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matt white
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:16 pm

He's referring to piracy, actually.

Oh, lol well if someone really hates Bethesda than I guess you could do that....
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Danny Blight
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:43 am

Single Suit armor is not going to happen. That was a Fallout thing that Bethesda did to keep some of Fallout's identity intact, not an improvement over Oblivion.
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