Actually no, Pete Hines said recently- "Armor is comprised of separate pieces"
That's what I read too, and I'm glad, I'm not sure what is going on with the supposed information about single piece armor in the magazine, but I'm more inclined to believe Pete's words than the magazine in this, if there's a contradiction, seeing as Pete Hines is a Bethesda employee and thus likely has more direct access to this sort of information than a third party, such as a gaming magazine, magazines can only report based on what they've been shown or told and their interpretations of it could have some mistakes in them. Perhaps it's like in Oblivion where while most armors have seperate pieces, there are a few sets of single suited armor, and the people at the magazine happened to see one of these and assume all armor is like that, I guess we'll see in time. For now, all we can do is wait until we know for certain which claim is right.
In any case, I can at least say I hope this claim is not true, I'm not going to say that "RPGs are dead" if it turns out it IS true, because I've played games which I'd argue are just as much of an RPG, if not more so, than the Elder Scrolls, which have single piece suits, such as Fallout 1 and 2, anyone who tries to claim that
those are not RPGs instantly uses all credibility with me, still, removing seperate armor slots would be a step in the wrong direction for the series, some complain about Skyrim becoming like Fallout, but I don't mind Bethesda adding perks or removing the class system, however, taking out the multi-piece outfits is one aspect of Fallout I would
not want in the Elder Scrolls, if anything, I want a return to the number of equipment slots we saw in Morrowind, not fewer than we had in Oblivion.
you guys are weird

, the combi's you make with different armour sets doens't even look awesome or anything..just weird weird shapes that don't match the other weird shapes, weird colors mixing..
I'll be the judge of that when I decide which combinations of armor I want to wear, naturally, not all armor combinations are going to look good, but if that bothers me, I'll just not wear those armor combinations, I don't want the game to remove the ability for me to combine different armors entirely. In any case, if you're going to use that argument to say seperate armor slots are not needed, we could also extend that elsewhere and say that character creation is not needed because you could potentially create ugly characters with it.