"...clothing will be simplified, with outfits and armor sets coming as a single suit rather than separate parts."
i'm surprised that i haven't seen anybody else mention this... and i was wondering how other people feel about it.
i loved fallout 3 but this is one of those small things that bothered me about it. i felt fallout 3's armor system lacked the personal and customized feel that past elder scrolls games have had......and now i find skyrim will have this single suit system... and i will be honest... it gets me down....
so... how do you guys feel about this?
"It's worth noting, too, that Howard and his team seem to have thought of everything. As we interview them, we eventually run out of generalized questions and start to get increasingly granular. How much meat do we get for killing a mammoth? How about a giant? What are the inventory weight limitations? How complex is the clothing system? No matter what the question, they've got the definitive answers on hand (just its nose; a gross-looking big toe; players will be able to carry a lot more stuff than in oblivion, and clothing will be simplified, with outfits and armor sets coming as single suit rather than separate parts).
thats the second to last paragraph on page 57 of the july 2011 issue of the official playstation magazine... thats issue 47... the one with skyrim on the cover.
it should be noted that there is a lot of speculation that this information might be a mistake... and i hope that speculation is correct.... i want for this just to be a huge mistake.