Does raise one question that confuses me. It has always been said that single-player nets you experience and unlocks just like multi-player does right? Is it the same amounts of experience offline or lessened? So can I can play single-player for awhile and build up the characters I'm going to be using for multi-player, at exactly the same speed as if i was in multi-player?
Same whatever mode you play even challenge.
I can't help but see a problem with this. Wouldn't this create the possibility for a talented multiplayer character to just dominate and get an incredible amount of experience in single player?
Traditionally people who stick to the single player portion of any games are much worse then their multiplayer counter-persona's, and also, the game AI is hardly going to be as talented as the average multiplayer character.
I can only see single player as being the experience "cheat" mode for this game. I also see this as upsetting to people, like myself, who look for a challenge online, and subsequently will be doing so much more, for the same amount of experience.
No if they play against bots isn't the same as playing against people who have earned 20 in multiplayer.
Ok, I think we're missing my main point.
Lets say, if you play a level on Easy difficulty, with respect to Hard difficulty. The levels, characters, and objectives are the same, so the experience will be the same as well right? This is not fair to someone who plays the harder difficulty.
Hope this clarifies my original post!
bots play at the level you are, you can't be level 15 and play against level 2 bots, they level with you and gain the same unlocks
Bots play at the same level as you are
This listen to Nail. As you level the bots level everything you gain access to when you level they do as well. So the higher level you get the harder the bots get.