I created 2 packages
1 is FIND Furniture so the npc will find a chair and sit
2 is USEITEMAT Books and he is using idle animation for reading
The script works as it should be but i face a small problem.
The NPC sits on the chair and when the reading package starts he stands and reads.
The purpose was to make him read in random chair (not a specific place).
If I use on Reading Package the location "Furniture" the package is not running.
I used the GetSitting function to make a condition when to start reading.
Here is my script lines:
Do you know how to achieve reading by sitting on a random chair?
short NPCSittingshort SittingTrigger........set NPCSitting to NPC.GetSitting........If Dice_Package == 2if SittingTrigger == 0NPC.AddScriptPackage NPCSittingCurrentLocationset SittingTrigger to 1endifif NPCSitting == 3NPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCSittingCurrentLocationNPC.AddScriptPackage NPCReadingCurrentLocationPrintToConsole "%z is Reading" nameset SittingTrigger to 0set DoOnceTrigger7 to 1endifendif