sorry for all the questions, but i'd appreciate any help. i am but a young grasshopper.... :read:
i had a look at the anims that are there, and they look pretty good to me (take that with a large grain of salt :hehe:). the sit anim does need work, but the sleep anim looks okay.
the sleep is animated so the SM gets down, assumes a sleep position (for about 2 seconds), then gets back up again. why would the 'sleep' portion need to be extended, and if it were, by how much?
Your misunderstanding the situation you can not tell the anim to play the lay down portion and Loop the Sleep portion then release to the get up portion at will the anim plays through so you would end up with a SM that continuously lays down rest for 2 seconds then gets back up and does it all over again until the condition for the anim to play is no longer valid -> equals very bad visually.
The Best you could do is break that one anim into 3 and lengthen the Sleep/Sit portions of them so they play the start trigger the clamped loop then when the condition for the sitting/sleeping are no longer valid play the get ups.
Problem -> You can not seamlessly Sequence SI's period so there is always a brief moment about 0.5 of a second that no SI's are being played which means that there is a visual reset where the creature goes back into its idle pose before the next SI gets played even if the next SI is the exact same SI that just ended.
The sleep/sit durations are to short the anim would start and finish in 1-2 seconds then there would be a second where the SM would snap back to its Idle Anim then the sleep/sit could kick back in.
My very own showcases this exact issue, just watch the Wyvern while its idling in the Air that is a Special Idle set to Loop although Creatures are not allowed to play SI's in a True Loop the game engine instead play's them in a Clamped Loop, I have since fixed this Issue for my unreleased update to my Combat Mounts Mod (including Akatosh) but the way I did it is not available for FO3 as that section of the Game Animation Engine was coded out for FO3.
what is a 'clamped' animation, and what makes it different from other ones (if any)?
This just means its an animation that is set to not loop continuously -> it has a defined Start and End -> where as Looping anims are build to keep playing until the condition that called them to play is no longer valid (Walking forward, backward, left, Right, Idle, Aim and a few others).