» Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:42 am
Other, other, other. NO to all Fable allusions, Fable is oversimplified and limiting. It's fun enough, but not overall what I would call a good game. Then again, I wouldn't say no outright to any of them. six isn't very classy, even when the screen is black. Give us enough information to assume it's happening, but don't give us video/audio.
Children, sure. They're going to be in the game, so why shouldn't you have your own? Make the woman at least be pregnant, though, or give us an option to skip gestation. Otherwise you have Insta-Babies (Just add water!), and that's immersion breaking. I imagine players with female characters would be choosing that option a lot, though...hmmmm.
And marriage? If it has more depth than Fable's, it'd be cool. (By more depth, I'm comparing Bethesda's deep end to Lionhead's Kiddy Pool.)