Thank you all for your input so far! please continue in a mature way
Thank you all for your input so far! please continue in a mature way
Crossdressing does not automatically make someone transgender, for clarities sake.
Assassins Creed included a transgender character and it was done pretty well as it was never really in your face about it. If they did it it would have to be tasteful and make sense.
As for six/nudity I'm not bothered either way, but if six was fully displayed in the game, there's no need for your character to seek it out, and thus you can avoid it.
I'm not playing this game to have six. I'm playing to loot and kill. And find baby.
As entertaining as the image is of Cait and my female Sole Survivor having a steaming hot time, I'm not sure how six could add to the plot. :/
Unless you are a 14 year old boy or girl, I don`t see how having six in a video game is going to make it any better. I also really don`t see how trannys will make it any better either.
Also why would the SS have six right after they see their wife/husband get shot in the head it makes no sense.
This was the most interesting post in this thread...
"We'd like to hire you, would you give consent to being shot? It's just for realism of sound so a forum post can be avoided."
"No sorry we can't hire you, you've never been shot before. Take your skills elsewhere, thank YOU."
Otherwise this thread is just a covert operation (along with the others) to see just how much time wasting crap is a player going to tolerate on an already sink hole of time. Why do you want six graphically depicted? Why don't we just watch all our settlers using the toilet and taking a bath? Hell why can't we enter into their minds and play some mini game where we go through their dream states whilst they sleep, gunning down mutated rabbits and re-experiencing their sister mummy playing doctors and nurses with their uncle? Stop using so much Jet kid, it doesn't give you the sight.
I know that Fallout 4 is a mature game but I don't think explicit six scenes should be involved. Having said that though I don't see anything wrong with six being alluded to, I mean you could become a porm star in Fallout 2.
What about some questions for you for a change, OP? Do you think Fallout 4 should let you
1) Fill out tax returns
2) Get into an altercation with a Norwegian over a used wardrobe
3) Broker an oil deal
4) Save up some money and buy a fireplace on Amazon
Please remember when answering to KEEP IT MATURE. If you are offended then I am sorry but maybe the questions are too mature for you.
Only if it's well-placed. It shouldn't disturb the pacing and enjoyment of the game.
It would actually be sort of interesting to help someone with a six-change operation. Now I feel like they missed that minor opportunity, since it could very well be done with the Memory Den provided the character was a synth.
I think that Bioware has done a great job at this, and I feel Bethesda is doing this to some extent with including relationships with companions (your point about six) and also allowing for characters, NPC's, and enemies to dress in different clothing (transgender)... Although I know my last point about dressing in different clothes is not anywhere close to what the realities of being transgender means, but it is a good, progressive start in moving towards what I think should be included in video games. As many people have put it so far in their comments, I think both of these things should be included in video games, and if they can be done in a tasteful, respectful manner, then all the better.
Good post!!!
Japan does enough video games with six and/or Transgender, we don't really need any more.