LEAVE THE IMMATURITY AT THE door, if you cannt, then this topic isn't for you. Other Major TITLES and RPG title (witcher, mass effect, GTA 5, etc) This is a General Discussion democratic way on whether there should there be six in fallout seeing that there is already violence, glorify one advlt topic and censoring another is it right, this other post was frozen denying other to join in othe discussion because it reached its max limit of comments, but should the polls, i dunno, above my pay grade but the discussion can continue here, please feel free to join here. other post here (http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1563370-nudity/)? seeing that we all had to be 18 or older to accessing the game i'm assuming only advlts and MATURE audiences are playing it. Also should there be transgender characters in Fallout 4? please vote and add your input. if you are offended i am sorry but maybe your not mature enough for this discussion.