The scenario of "every gay npc coming up to the player and screaming how gay they are" is so outlandish I don't see why it's mentioned. I don't believe anyone has even come close to advocating such a thing. Nor has there really been more than a few mainstream games at most that come within an iota of that.
That is the point. People misinterpreted me when I said I don't think it should be in your face, it should be subtle. In your face means them screaming it at me. I don't care if they are in the game, just like I don't care if straight couples are in the game.
It seems the OP wants a Fable style family mechanic, which is not something that I want, but not something I am adverse to. Both homosixuality and heterosixuality are balanced fine in that setting without one out weighing the other.
I am just afraid that people will over represent said community, someone had a fine example earlier in Dr. Who I believe. Homosixuals orientation was thrown at you immediately, while hetros were subtly and casually placed into the show.
Like the mod said, and this goes for everyone as a human, a lot of people are "tired of right-handed NPC's because they are left handed and that's not fair." (paraphrased mind you)