sixual Diversity in Skyrim?

Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:54 pm

If there are heterosixual relationships in the game then so should homosixual relationships.
Simple as that.
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:20 pm

Hey guys, let us not forget that Vivec was open to ALL. Plus, Vivec has both male and female parts. Hell, his sermans would say how he turned Yokudan kings into women (think about it), he and Molag Bal compared [censored] sizes, then he bit off Molag Bal's manhood and attached it to his own, and much much more.

There is plenty of sixuality in TES. Also, I'm very sure the FG head's son who you had to escort in that one mission on killing trolls was gay.

But what it comes down to is, it's not completely and fully in your face, save for CC (but...he's that weird playwright character type who makes trashy plays)

I would not exactly call that homosixuality, but....

And Crassius Curio is more likely bi, as he asks those requests for all characters. And he was very eccentric in general, so he might have had other reasons to have you do it :shrug:

Anyway, I would not mind a Crassius Curio type NPC, but I would rather they don't try to hard with it.
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marie breen
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:52 pm


Wow, what you're saying is actually very sad. :( I can't imagine how it must feel to never be able to relate to the plot of a movie, or whatever. Also currently the only movies that come to my mind that have gay romance in them are horrible tragedies... Howl, Milk, Philadelphia, Mala Nocha... only exception might be Strawberry & Chocolate, but I haven't seen that one.
Sorry for being (slightly) off-topic; I just want to say I can understand how that must svck. And people who say that the portrayal of gay relationships doesn't add anything to the game should maybe read that post by Merari again and think about it for a second.

By the way, we're discussing here under the assumption that heterosixual relationships will be present in the game. If your argument is "I don't want to see any relationships whatsoever, so also no gay relationships" then you're in the wrong thread (and additionally, in for disappointment).
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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:30 pm

Ugh. Can we drop these medievel parallels? The game does not take place in medievel Europe. It takes place in a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and demons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture.

Wasn't a main complaint of OB that the culture wasn't unique? Why do we even bring in historical cultural norms from OUR world?

Forget how gay behavior was accepted in the past in the real world, it has no bearing on Tamriel. Thanks.

The game does take place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet (don't remember any of the TES games mentioning the name of the planet, but anyway) with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture... yet, all of it, is based on life as we knew it in European medieval times, with kings and queens, castles, legions and armies, alchemists and mages; medieval lore with elves and all with heroes fighting trolls, dragons and daemons; with heores and crusaders clad on suits of armor, with shields and swords and arrow and bows; with many cultures starting to come together, etc etc etc

And you can't have it both ways, either... So if it takes place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture, yet you want earthly, real-life, factual human interactions.. frankly, earthly human interactions don't seem in place in a game that takes place on fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet, don't you think?
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:11 pm

The game does take place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet (don't remember any of the TES games mentioning the name of the planet, but anyway) with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture... yet, all of it, is based on life as we knew it in European medieval times, with kings and queens, castles, legions and armies, alchemists and mages; medieval lore with elves and all with heroes fighting trolls, dragons and daemons; with heores and crusaders clad on suits of armor, with shields and swords and arrow and bows; with many cultures starting to come together, etc etc etc

And you can't have it both ways, either... So if it takes place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture, yet you want earthly, real-life, factual human interactions.. frankly, earthly human interactions don't seem in place in a game that takes place on fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet, don't you think?

One, the planet is Nirn
Two, Yeah, you can have it bith ways, this isn't Dr. Phil th game, it isn't a psychology simulator, so having homophoes because there are homophoes here is essentially the same as saying magic isn't real so why include it.
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:54 pm

The game does take place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet (don't remember any of the TES games mentioning the name of the planet, but anyway) with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture... yet, all of it, is based on life as we knew it in European medieval times, with kings and queens, castles, legions and armies, alchemists and mages; medieval lore with elves and all with heroes fighting trolls, dragons and daemons; with heores and crusaders clad on suits of armor, with shields and swords and arrow and bows; with many cultures starting to come together, etc etc etc

And you can't have it both ways, either... So if it takes place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture, yet you want earthly, real-life, factual human interactions.. frankly, earthly human interactions don't seem in place in a game that takes place on fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet, don't you think?

It is called Nirn. And I don't think it really matters... sometimes it does not conform to our world, and sometimes it does.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:38 pm

sure why not, maybe some more interesting romance this time around would be cool as well (think dragon age only more)
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:46 pm

The game does take place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet (don't remember any of the TES games mentioning the name of the planet, but anyway) with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture... yet, all of it, is based on life as we knew it in European medieval times, with kings and queens, castles, legions and armies, alchemists and mages; medieval lore with elves and all with heroes fighting trolls, dragons and daemons; with heores and crusaders clad on suits of armor, with shields and swords and arrow and bows; with many cultures starting to come together, etc etc etc

And you can't have it both ways, either... So if it takes place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture, yet you want earthly, real-life, factual human interactions.. frankly, earthly human interactions don't seem in place in a game that takes place on fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet, don't you think?

I'm not sure quite what you're trying to express here...

...even the most aesthetically outlandish fantasy worlds have to be grounded in realistic, human interactions in order for them to be compelling to us Earth-bound audiences. TES is no different. People are saying that it doesn't need to be bound by the more personally hurtful aspects of medieval society - that doesn't mean that it can't have realistic human interactions.
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:30 pm

The game does take place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet (don't remember any of the TES games mentioning the name of the planet, but anyway) with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture... yet, all of it, is based on life as we knew it in European medieval times, with kings and queens, castles, legions and armies, alchemists and mages; medieval lore with elves and all with heroes fighting trolls, dragons and daemons; with heores and crusaders clad on suits of armor, with shields and swords and arrow and bows; with many cultures starting to come together, etc etc etc

And you can't have it both ways, either... So if it takes place on a fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet with fantasy gods and daemons and creatures with a different, fantasy culture, yet you want earthly, real-life, factual human interactions.. frankly, earthly human interactions don't seem in place in a game that takes place on fantasy land on a fantasy continent on a fantasy planet, don't you think?

Why cant I have it both ways, for one?

Besides, Nirn is so far from being based on medieval Europa that its not even funny anymore to hear you say it is.
The creation and history of Mundus are very complex things, with actual gods interfering in day-to-day life.

Cyrodill slightly resembles some elements from Roman and medieval history solely due to convergent evolution, because sometimes certain ways of doing things make sense.
It looks medieval because they have no need of technology. There is magic. They dont need hospitals, they have temples with healers using spells. They dont need guns, they have battlemages blasting arcane fire. Etc.

Tamriel is a very complex and interesting place, far more so than boring ole medieval Europa.
The imperial library and the UESP wiki have lore and books that can help you understand its depth, diversity and originality.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:30 am

Quests with homosixual references would be okay but no kind of exagerated gay behaviour.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:07 pm

Quests with homosixual references would be okay but no kind of exagerated gay behaviour.

Quests with heterosixual references would be okay but no kind of exagerated straight behaviour.
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:38 pm

I'd like to see it - NV did it very well I think. I'd imagine that there will be some sort of more in depth portrayal of relationships, and if that is the case, then homo&bisixuality should also play a part in some way. Even if they use a "anything not hetero is outlawed" model from the past (or some places in the present), there were/are still people breaking the rules.
This should also count for PC relationships (if they are in, and personally, I'd rather they weren't in at all but it's no skin off my nose if there are opportunities for romance).
I haven't read all of the posts on here, but I'm pretty sure there is no crossbreeding in the different races in the lore, however just living together without having children isn't out of the question, I think.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:03 pm

I'd like to see it - NV did it very well I think. I'd imagine that there will be some sort of more in depth portrayal of relationships, and if that is the case, then homo&bisixuality should also play a part in some way. Even if they use a "anything not hetero is outlawed" model from the past (or some places in the present), there were/are still people breaking the rules.
This should also count for PC relationships (if they are in, and personally, I'd rather they weren't in at all but it's no skin off my nose if there are opportunities for romance).
I haven't read all of the posts on here, but I'm pretty sure there is no crossbreeding in the different races in the lore, however just living together without having children isn't out of the question, I think.

Well, there are cross-race relationships present in both Oblivion and Morrowind. Heck, in Morrowind you could get a Khajiit girlfriend. Cross-breeding also exists but the child generally takes on the traits of the mother.

"After much anolysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present. It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring'' -

Homosixuality is also present on Tamriel, just look at Vivec. He got down with both genders. sixuality is certainly in Elder Scrolls. They just don't shove it in your face. Which is how it should be in my opinion. While building those relationships is interesting in games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. It's only so much because that is a huge part of those games. It's important to care about them when you are basically trusting each of them with your life. If they were to bring it out a bit more in Elder Scrolls I would be fine with it, but I'm perfectly okay with where sixuality is at now. It doesn't really add anything more for me personally, and they run the risk of putting it too much in your face if they amp it up. That's something I definitely do not want.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:21 pm

To OP: "Liberal" or "Conservative" societies do not determine whether homosixuals exist or not, the way you worded it made it seem like that was being implied, and one statistic can't possibly be applied to everybody on the planet.

My reason for using that wording, "liberal communities", is that statistics from places where a given practice is accepted are more prone to be precise than from places where it's condemned. For instance, Iran is not a suitable basis for statistical study of homosixuality rates, since it's criminalised; and neither is San Francisco (where it's 15%, if I remember correctly) because there are people who move there because of the active homosixual population.

I wasn't indicating that the actual ratio fluctuates wildly, but to remain objective I have to include the "liberal" part of that sentence.

OP might have more success at the BioWare forums. People around these parts generally put more importance on other aspects in TES games.

More success with what? I've been more than happy with this discussion so far; in many ways it's been illuminating about the arguments both for and against the implementation of relationships in general and sixual diversity.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:31 pm

I'm not sure quite what you're trying to express here...

...even the most aesthetically outlandish fantasy worlds have to be grounded in realistic, human interactions in order for them to be compelling to us Earth-bound audiences. TES is no different. People are saying that it doesn't need to be bound by the more personally hurtful aspects of medieval society - that doesn't mean that it can't have realistic human interactions.

Here I thought I was very clear :)

I'll tell you, homosixual relationships, inter-racial relationships, to me, those are as mundane as going to the bathroom, they really don't add anything of value to the game, in my view.

The funny thing is, to "represent" sixual diversity in a medium like a fantasy game like TES - other than in stories in books, or a line of dialog here and there like FNV - you have to rely on stereotypes. Think about representing a gay man or a lisbian. How do you represent that? Think about it...
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:09 am

I'd say: Why the fawck would you want gay fantasies in Skyrim? I mean, really? It would be not only unnecessary but portray a very strong and out of place message that belongs better to reality than to a RPG videogame. It's mixing nowadays' controversies into you favorite RPG world... really just leave real world mess out, doh.
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clelia vega
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:57 am

It wouldn't be the first time something like this has been in an Elder Scrolls game-See

Yep, I killed him :flamethrower:
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:11 pm

I'd rather not have social commentary in my games. Yes, there are homosixual relationships in our society and there are many other as of yet unexplored areas of humanity that could be implemented in a game. I'm just not interested. I don't want heterosixual relationships explored either. What's wrong with just having a game about kicking dragon tail.

This being said, I thought that the Curio encounter was hilarious. I just think I'd like most if the time devs spend on the game to be spent on something other than this.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:52 am

Has anyone seen Uncle Crassius lately? ;)
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darnell waddington
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:38 pm

Well, there are cross-race relationships present in both Oblivion and Morrowind. Heck, in Morrowind you could get a Khajiit girlfriend. Cross-breeding also exists but the child generally takes on the traits of the mother.

"After much anolysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present. It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring'' -

Homosixuality is also present on Tamriel, just look at Vivec. He got down with both genders. sixuality is certainly in Elder Scrolls. They just don't shove it in your face. Which is how it should be in my opinion. While building those relationships is interesting in games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. It's only so much because that is a huge part of those games. It's important to care about them when you are basically trusting each of them with your life. If they were to bring it out a bit more in Elder Scrolls I would be fine with it, but I'm perfectly okay with where sixuality is at now. It doesn't really add anything more for me personally, and they run the risk of putting it too much in your face if they amp it up. That's something I definitely do not want.

Thanks for clearing that up for me :thumbsup:
For me, I'd like to see the NPCs reacting differently with their spouses (whatever combination that may be) than with a random on the street. Nothing has to be explicit, but just overhearing a little snippet of convo about their life, as opposed to just talking endlessly about mudcrabs. Also, if dialogue does get repeated a lot, I'd find it much more realistic to listen to a couple have the same argument about snoring or whatever than where to buy some potions :P
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saharen beauty
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:48 pm

If it's implemented, it should be implemented with maturity. I don't want to go through Winterhold and see a guy screaming, "I LUV JIM!" It should be subtle like that wood elf in anvil, Woodhull or something with that one nord I think it was. In the rumor mill and you could talk to them about it, but it would need to be very mature. It should be handled like any other relationship.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:40 pm

Here I thought I was very clear :)

I'll tell you, homosixual relationships, inter-racial relationships, to me, those are as mundane as going to the bathroom, they really don't add anything of value to the game, in my view.

The funny thing is, to "represent" sixual diversity in a medium like a fantasy game like TES - other than in stories in books, or a line of dialog here and there like FNV - you have to rely on stereotypes. Think about representing a gay man or a lisbian. How do you represent that? Think about it...

This pretty much sums it up. If a gay man or lisbian is represented in a way that doesn't rely on some type of stereotype then really you shouldn't be able to tell that they are gay. I know quite a few homosixual people and the simple fact of the matter is you can't tell if they are gay or not unless they partially adhere to a stereotype. And yes that even includes the "Loud and proud" stereotype. I have no problem with someone being gay but they don't need to announce it to me, the same way I would expect them to not want me to just go and announce to the world I'm not.

As for interspecies read "The Real Barenziah". Dark Elf and a Nord, Dark Elf and a Khajiit. Heck the Lusty Argonian Maid had an Argonian and human.
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meghan lock
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:53 pm

Bi or homosixual people in the game wouldnt bother me at all, as long as its not a big part of the game.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:47 pm

This pretty much sums it up. If a gay man or lisbian is represented in a way that doesn't rely on some type of stereotype then really you shouldn't be able to tell that they are gay. I know quite a few homosixual people and the simple fact of the matter is you can't tell if they are gay or not unless they partially adhere to a stereotype. And yes that even includes the "Loud and proud" stereotype. I have no problem with someone being gay but they don't need to announce it to me, the same way I would expect them to not want me to just go and announce to the world I'm not.

As for interspecies read "The Real Barenziah". Dark Elf and a Nord, Dark Elf and a Khajiit. Heck the Lusty Argonian Maid had an Argonian and human.

It could be done as simple as having them live together in a house. There doesnt need to be related dialogue of any kind.
Just simply, two men or two women who are obviously not related sharing a house.
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daniel royle
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:59 pm

Both heterosixual and homosixual relationships can be there, but I think all relations of that sort should be below the surface of the game. I don't sixuality to be a big thing.
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