Hi again,
I am working on lesser powers and it seems that creation kit ignored the value in the spell for Charge Time if lesser power is used. Lesser powers I am adding are combat abilities that need a cooldown. I am trying to avoid use of spells since as I know always use hands. Is it possible to have cooldown for Lesser Power type? Or is there other type that allows to be set itself to voice slot and has Charge Time?
I was thinking to add custom global timer. But that requires script that updates the time. Utility has Wait() which is recommended for this. I guess I could have custom spell to fire single update (and use globalvariable to identify cooldown) with whenever it was cast. But that basically means I would have to add that to each spell that uses the coolddown. Also I am hoping to add new creatures to use these powers so would rather use faction rank than global variables.
Anyway my point being right now that I must be thinking about this too hard and making it more complex it really is right?
Other than that I am curious how am I able to indicate custom cooldown for the player since I can't update the compass shout cooldown indicator outside right?