My friend told me today that there are certain quests where you have a choice on how to complete quests. I already knew this since I have been playing other ES games too but then he also told me that there quests where the wrong choice gives you crappy items while the right choice gives you skill points. Is this true? If it is, I won't be able to enjoy the quests and complete them the way I wan't. There should not be the right way to complete these quests. All choices should be just as good but if the one of the choices gives skill points and the other choice gives gear that you will outlevel tomorrow, then there obviously is the right choice and the wrong choice. There is no way I would willingly choose gear over skill points.
I would love to complete quests as I go without any guides but it seems that I am forced to read guides so I don't gimp myself. Do we already have a list of these quests that reward skill points for the right choices? If not, I just have to avoid quests till we do. I am really dissapointed if this is true