Poll says it all.
Yes, no strings attached. Not that I would use it but would love the option.
I'm somewhere in between on that one. On one hand, it svcks misclicking and thinking you are accepting the right one or whatever can go wrong, on the other hand, I want choice to matter.
A fair compromise could be that last perk chosen, can be reverted.
If your going to end up with all or most all the perks, it is not really needed. If your trying a specific role, you may not need it either, as you usually do not change one thing, you change a bunch of things. So, most would make a new character instead.
I just think we should be able to revert our last choice after we try it.
I voted Nay, just because it's kind of pointless with the lack of a level cap. Though if it was in the game I would have no problem with other people using it. Also, I suppose it would be nice to get back that one point in Commando I wasted.
Nope. I like the decisions to be absolute. Feels inconsequential to just be able to respec
Sure! Why not? It's your choice to use it or not. I wouldn't do it, but if it works for you.
No, I prefer to live with my choices and the consequences of them.
Frak no. That's what new characters are for.
(Seriously, the thing I hated the second most - after the auction house - in Diablo 3, was that you could freely re-spec whenever you wanted. Combined with the way all the skills unlocked at the same level every time, it totally removed any reason to ever make a second character of a class in that game. I got lots of replay out of Diablo 2 by making new characters and trying different skill builds. But, then, D3 seems to have been designed around the "get to max level and then grind to 'perfect' your build" playstyle, which is something I never did in D2. Only had one character finish Nightmare diff in that game, actually.)
I was kinda bummed out when Skyrim put this kind of thing in Dragonborn and then the later patch as it was just another nail in the coffin for player consequences in TES franchise so personally I wouldn't wan't it in Fallout either. (even the feeling of knowing it was there and part of the game would irk me).
Yes, but maybe a tier system: level 10: 500 caps. level 20: 1000 caps... level 30: 2000 caps... level 40: 4000 caps.
It will happen with a mod, getting it in the vanilla is a bad idea, just start from the beginning and make a new different char.
I kind of like how Tes Online did it by charging per skill point. I would say 1000 caps per perk point sounds reasonable.
Voted yes even though I'd probably not use it myself
No, that would actually seriously imbalance the game - you'd just rearrange your perks to be the ideal for whatever it is you're currently doing. I'd be okay with some sort of hefty price, as long as it wasn't something in-universe like paying an NPC an exorbitant amount of caps to super-science us. Something like completely resetting our level back to 1.
A skill reset in a game with no level cap is pointless.