Or just slaughter them, since you'll be an expert at it.

I havent got very far in but to me it seemed like this:
To skillup a line you have to have a skill from the line slotted, or a weapon wielded for the weapons skills so:
3 class skills + soulgem + uberskill in #5 (eventually).
So you can skillup all 3 skill lines + soulgem + weapon, but if you go that way you cant have more than 1 skill from a skill line and you cant slot a weaponskill.
Maybe if you can't add more slots due to console's limitations (which are always screwing up pc games btw), they could just add more skill set swaps (in adition of the weapon swap)..
killer-bee, in their post above, hit it on the head... it is about teamwork.
With contemporary PvP, all classes must be able to exist on their own - a class should not limit the ability of the player to win in a one on one. Over time, classes have become variations of a theme and rely upon spreadsheet mechanics. At the top of the spreadsheet you have the class name - Mage, Rogue, Warrior and Cleric - on the side an ascending range of damage spans plus a series of specials, such as stuns and breaks, and the cells are filled with the names of those skills.
Limiting what skills you have breaks a good portion of this rut MM(O) games have dropped into. I may agree 5 skills plus the attacks, feels a bit weak, but that makes a player all the more reliant on other players or external influences - which everyone calls tatics.
For the record, GW2 has 8 skills, counting weapons and utility skills, plus a heal and a ultimate; while ESO has 7 skills, counting weapons and utility skills, plus a quick slot and an ultimate. Also remember, stealth in GW2 is limited as compared to ESO - of course, rogues hate this and why - it was their edge in the tried and true PvP paradigm.
Now for those anti-console-design players, did any of you play TERA with a controller. Combat skills alone were 15 plus - so it is possible to do more than 5 on a controller. Of course, messaging svcked - but that cannot be fixed with even a mini keyboard attached to the controller (fat fingers) - I like my keyboard for messaging.
Personally, I'd just kinda like to see certain things like summons on a separate bar. Summons already have a hefty 10% mag cost. Also not that big of a deal for me. It encourages players grouped together to use more diverse skill loadouts to cover each other's weaknesses.
My biggest wish is to be able to replace that damn Q wheel with a normal bar, or at least be able to use hotkeys to swap to different Q slots. The current setup is clunky, and forces you to stop moving/attacking/blocking/dodging to use a pot.
It's not a case of pity. It is simply human nature. We already see people posting builds on here and on several other sites. Players will look to these, this game isn't any different than all the other mmos in that respect, it's not going to suddenly change no matter what names people throw at them.
It's happening now with advice on best racials gems etc, it will only consolidate as the game gets established. I have absolutely nothing against people going their own way and finding a build that they most enjoy playing. I wish there where more like this, like yourself by the sound of it. But the reality, and you must have seen this in many other mmos, is an overwhelming drive for the best build, stats, racials, etc for each class.
There are always two sides to this, both have merits.
One says that people should work out themselves what gives the best performance for the role they are playing.
The other says why re-invent the wheel when people with more game time have already done the work and kindly assisted others by posting their results.
Doesn't really matter how you do it. The outcome your party members will want from you, and all others in the group, is the build/stats etc that gives the best possible performance.
Are people still defending the measly 5+1 X 2 slots with the left /rightclick argument?
The console greed of Bethesda will be the downfall of this game.
People on this forum cant fathom it right now because you're all deluded with hype and release date closing in.
Give ESO 1-2 months and youll see how turdy the game really is...regardless of the fixes.
Do you think that the console versions is the main reason for this?
In games past you gained xp by using a thing. That's great for single player, but we can't very well have people putting tape or rubber bands on their mouse and leaving their toon to be leveled by being beat on by a crab. So they made it kill and quest complete xp leveling up all things slotted, the limit of the buttons could be based hugely on trying to come up with a different xp system that would work MMO, where people wouldn't cheat or be autonomous and where the new slotted gain system wouldn't level every aspect of the toon. If there were 3 times as many slots, this thread would be full of people complaining that leveling skills is too easy.
I don't buy this "It's because of console having limited buttons." stuff.. lol really? you do not think they could have come up with a way to bind 100 different skills on a few buttons?
You should be happy there aren't arenas, instant queuing action would just accelerate that burnout rate even faster...
Moving to Skyrim to ESO, I felt the pain of moving from 8 quickslots down to 5.
I felt cramped a bit right around the time I got my weapon swap. There were a few spells/weapon attacks I didn't unlock because I had no room for them and didn't want to expend skill points. I had 2 two handed weaps equiped of the same strength and wondered after the beta if there was a way to equip the same weapon in BOTH slots, although eventually it probly would have been a second skill tree weapon.
It is a valid argument that console versions might be affecting the # of hotkey slots and that suggests that this will be a multi platform megaserver. I haven't looked it up. Second I thought it might be a balancing issue, making the game reward good players and not just advanced multi-taskers. It might have something to do with the feel of the game. As it is now, your fingers can crawl from the movement keys to all 6 hotkeys reasonably without straying too far from the WASD. Sometimes I had to look to use my ultimate but mostly I could control my character with ease and stay immersed in the monitor.
Personally I would want more keys, putting my panic buttons at the end of the bar and general combat at 1-5, and that is only because this is the greatest game so far I have ever played, and I just want more of it. I have been having withdrawals since Beta.
It is not a complaint or a gamebreaker for me. I am totally invested into ESO. I guess for me it just feels like I would want to make my character build more complex, but don't want to invest in skills that are not readily available. For now, I will fill my weapon swap up but I can see getting up to level 40+ and wishing I had more slots. Players with a melee/ranged setup would feel this more, with the bow swap not complimenting their melee spells as well as a say tank/melee dps swap. Also, more slots pushes the Ultimate out and makes the player look at their keyboard periodically which I am fine with, but it stops all movement and movement is a big part of combat in this game. I imagine it was a decision to make the controls more user friendly but a swap option for more complex builds. The swap can be used with the same weapon type as the main so it may take some juggling but an extensive line of spells could be achieved in spite of the limit to 5 on each bar. Thats what I am going to do about it, but from a player standpoint, anyone can admit, it makes a difference in a players choice in unlocking spells, since nobody wants to purchase spells that eventually "wont make the cut" but maybe it was just my Templar build. Did anyone else run into this type of reasoning with other builds?
It has nothing to do with consoles. And, if it does, that just means the dev team is not trying hard enough. Go look at what SE did with controllers and controller UI in FFXIV: ARR. It's genius how they did it. Each bumper brings up 8 skill slots each(4 face buttons, 4 dpad buttons). So that's 16 right there with very fast access to them. Then you can hold one of the triggers and dpad up/down to go to other sets of 16. So they have a lot of sets of 16 abilities they can get to very quickly. And the UI for it is set perfectly for it, set up in the same formation as they are on the controller instead of the typical flat line for PC players. And this can be switched back and forth between controller hotbar and keyboard hotbar very quickly.
Now, I'm not saying we need 20-30+ skill slots or anything. But, considering how many we have access to unlock, we are just very limited with what we have. In beta, I wasn't even using my skill points to unlock other stuff to try them out because I literally had no place to put them and I already have my 5 "must use" ones equiped. I think it's a waste of skills. All these good skills that most people wont even bother with. The majority of people will just pick the 5 "best" skills and stick to just those. You can't have the argument of "no one wants a bunch of useless skills in their hotbar", since an easy fix for that is to not make any useless skills. You get 5 skills alone just from your weapon... you are at your max there already before even looking at the armor, world, guild, class, etc and all the other skills available.
Yes it feels a tad cramped. When having an extra skill point to spend, I look at my skill tree, and ask myself, is this shiny new ability worth 1 of 5 slots? Chances are good the answer is no. So I either keep the point for crafting, or wait until I can invest that point to upgrade an ability I already use.
I'd rather have quality over quantity.
A someone who ussually ends up playing classes with atleast some kind of ability bloat issue, like Sith Warrior in SWTOR or Blackguard in WAR, running around with over 30 keybinds and liking it..
I prefer this system, instead of a crapload of watered down, situational or plain boring skills i can choose 12 skills that acually matter and have a significant impact on how i play.
Sure, sometimes you get to use something or other in a creative way in MMOs with more skills, but most of the time you fall back on a bread and buttor of about 5 or so skills anyway.
With 12 slots i keep experimenting and thinking about diffirent combinations for various situations and it keeps the game varried and interesting, the fact that you often wish you had just 1 more slot means it working, the abilites are usefull and fun and keeps atleast me trying new things.
I'd prefer more. For all the talk of how it's tactical I can't help but feel it limits my choices of what skillsets I wish to use. 8-10 slots would be ideal.
Doesnt matter - it still feels completely gimpy.
I thought the thread was about char slots.
12 skill slots is more than enough for me. I want to be interrupting, positioning, blocking, melee attacking - not skill spam rotations.
I found using some points in passives was a pretty good payoff and there are a good amount of passives.