"Marksman" has it's own skill because it is awesome.I cannot say the same about "hand to hand".I would describe "hand to hand" as useless.With all the weapons and magic in TES scrolls universe and im gonna fight a dragon with my bare hands?
How many people want to become a master of hand to hand? Im guessing less than 5% of players.
I agree that athletics and acrobatics should be combined,but I strongly disagree that hand to hand is more important than security.I guarantee the majority of players used security much much more than hand to hand.
Sneak is not the same thing as security.Two totally different things actually,but if they do combine them I will not complain.
The only way I could see hand to hand being it's own skill is if they made it completely bad ass,with aesome perks and cool finishing moves.However I dont see that happening.
I didn't say hand to hand was more important than security,i said it would have more perks as a skill.
Not aimed at you: But i wish people would stop saying hand to hand is pointless because of dragons.
1: there are lots of enemies besides dragons.
2: Hand to hand is lethal
3: Hand to hand is fun ( would be much better now because of the animations and the intenseness of close quarters combat ).
4: If we had claws or other hand to hand weapons thats even more powerful. ( add poison to that )
5: You are more dexterous with hand to hand,you can use your fingers and hands in way that someone holding a weapon can't.
6: Hand to hand is NOT just punching...Throws,grabs,holds,kicks,counters,disarming,speed,using enemies force against them,many things are good about hand to hand.
If it was done right,animation wise,with more variation,i'd bet my sweet bum cheeks people would use it more,or try monks etc.
7: People like to roleplay,you don't have to do the main quest....i may want to roleplay a bar fighter,monk,or whatever....i don't have to be a kickarse dragonborn in my 5th-6th playthrough.
8: hand to hand combined with shouts,stealth and magic,would be great.also = dead dragon.
9: i like it...i want it to stay.
10: other creatures use hand to hand: trolls,spriggins,werewolves,vampires...in fact in oblivion your hand to hand skill went up as a vampire.
Khajiits and argonians should be good at it also,because they have claws.