Skill, Spells, item quick select

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:34 pm

They should not have it to where up and down on the D-pad open the same favorites menu. Why not make it so you have favorites’ 1 and favorites’ 2, 1 being up and 2 being down on the D-pad, Once you get a good ways into the game you end up with a lot of spells and skills and it’s a pain to go through em all. Just want to see if anyone else fells the same and if so what would be a good solution to you
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 am

this is a good idea
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:12 am

I thought batman arkham city had a really cool and intuitive quick select menu
it was basically a simple radial menu on your dpad with the addition of having double taps on the horizontal and vertical
they could fit 12 things in there for quick easy access
but even a radial menus using the anolog sticks would work
like you have quick select button and can just move the thumbstick to select stuff

anything would be better than this list they have now, it's really like they didn't put any thought into it at all IMO
and it's definitely a step down from oblivions quick select menu
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:20 am

I thought batman arkham city had a really cool and intuitive quick select menu
it was basically a simple radial menu on your dpad with the addition of having double taps on the horizontal and vertical

This is how it was done in Oblivion on the consoles, minus the double-tapping, which was great until you inadvertently drank your last potion.

The best example, in my opinion, is Shadowrun with a button-thumbstick mechanic -- this allows for mapping to both triggers, as well.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:55 pm

This is how it was done in Oblivion on the consoles, minus the double-tapping, which was great until you inadvertently drank your last potion.

The best example, in my opinion, is Shadowrun with a button-thumbstick mechanic -- this allows for mapping to both triggers, as well.

Shadowrun, wow. theres a really underrated game there.

Kinda wish that studio had not shut down after its release :sadvaultboy: . But yes i did like their quick mapping in that game, once you got used to it it seemed to flow easily with the pace of combat even in a fps.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:40 pm

I also want to point out that there is the up angle left/right and down angle left/right that they could as well allow you to set another category of skills/spells/items in.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:59 pm

Shadowrun, wow. theres a really underrated game there.

Kinda wish that studio had not shut down after its release . But yes i did like their quick mapping in that game, once you got used to it it seemed to flow easily with the pace of combat even in a fps.

It's nice to hear from someone who enjoyed Shadowrun -- I still play it quite often.

I also want to point out that there is the up angle left/right and down angle left/right that they could as well allow you to set another category of skills/spells/items in.

Not to mention, the right shoulder button (consoles) does nothing that I'm aware of -- combined with the fact that a 'sprint' mechanic could be implemented by simply keeping the thumb stick pressed at full tilt for a second or'd essentially free up both shoulder buttons to map items to the corresponding triggers.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:22 pm

It's nice to hear from someone who enjoyed Shadowrun -- I still play it quite often.

Not to mention, the right shoulder button (consoles) does nothing that I'm aware of -- combined with the fact that a 'sprint' mechanic could be implemented by simply keeping the thumb stick pressed at full tilt for a second or'd essentially free up both shoulder buttons to map items to the corresponding triggers.

u must not play on PC. on pc i set my controls so right bumper is my shouts, left bumper is jump, push left anolog to run fast.
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