Here is the link¤t=SKILLTREE.jpg
Incase you can't see the small text, i've numbered them from 1-10 i will now type what they are.
This is an archery skill tree.
1: SAMINA: You now use less stamina while holding your shot.
2: STEADY: You now have 25% less sway,while holding your shot.
3: TECHNIQUE: Bow skill is better,you now have + 25% to shot speed.
4: FOCUS: Your focus is better,you can now zoom in on your target.
5: BIG BOWS: You can now use bigger and tougher bows.
6: HUNTER: You know the wildlife better,you now have a 25% damage bonus to all wildlife creature's.
7: RECYCLER: You can recover all arrow's ,used to kill your enemy.
8: MULTI ARROW'S: You can now fire two arrow's at once,this causes bleeding damage over time.
9: DISARM: You now have a 35% chance to disarm your enemy. ( this could link with auto target ).
10: STUNNING FORCE: Your arrow's now give you a 50% chance to stun,stagger or knock down your enemy.Enemies near objects ( walls etc ) have a chance to be pinned.
My skill tree is'nt the best ( i'll admit ),but it would be good to see what other people think about the tree system.
It would be great to see other's do their own trees and post them here.
It doesn't have to be archery,it could be any of the 18 skill's,it's just for fun/speculation really.
Feel free to do what you like.Change my 1-10 of perks via a list or create your own tree. I would be really interested to see other people's trees or views etc.
This could be a fun topic: Remember it doesn't have to be the archery skill,it could be any youm like.
Anyway have fun and i hope you enjoy the thread

The tree design is rough and did'nt take long,but chosing perks to think of took me ages.
If you do not like my skill tree or perks,please say so,i will not take offence,but do it in the right manner please