-They have announced there will be 18 skills, if it is like it's predecessors it has an equal number of skills falling under Combat, Stealth and Magic, it would be 6 each.
-The screenshot displaying the menu and several of the skills used in Skyrim, infact displays every single mage-style character skill. The image in the background appears to be shaped as a bearded man holding a staff, and if scrolled along it would appear to encompass from Illusion to Enchanting. This would result in 6 mage skills: Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration and Enchanting.
-Mysticism is gone, it's spells dispursed among other skills
-Acrobatics is gone, having been combined with Athletics
-Todd Howard announced in his interview that 1h weapons, 2h weapons, and Marksman were weapons skills (I am predicting that he left out Hand to Hand, discluding it as a weapon, I could be wrong)
-Rather than having individual weapons skills there will be perk trees for each weapon style among the 1h, 2h and marksman skills
-He also announced that there will be 3 crafting skills (also other crafts not skill based) Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing, also saying Alchemy will fall under thief/stealth character skills
-There will be no class selection interface/interview in the game
-It will contain race/image based charcter creation in the beginning, different races have bonuses to particular skills (nothing is said about races having stat bonuses as well
-Not a thing has been published about the stats of Skyrim, just skills
-The characters status in the picture is 180 magicka, 240 health and 100 stamina (this is still early, but notice that they all round to a decimal of ten)
-They have announced leveling will result in a bonus to either health, magicka or stamina
-the skills fall into categories of combat, magic and stealth again
-weapon types will have perk trees, for example axe, sword and blunt.
-there will be dual-wielding
-the menu screenshot displays, magicka, health, stamina, name, level, race, skill..... no stats
I'll begin with the potential skill set-up, as I believe stats have possibly been removed from the game (if not they have certainly been changed heavily) My brother and I researched and debated about what the most likely skills to carry over would be, and what skills could be combined to shorten the list to 18.
We believe the Mage skills are all displayed on the skill-menu image which was released. This would mean a mage has Alteration, Restoration, Destruction, Illusion, Conjuration and Enchanting.
For a warrior character, we know that Smithing is one of the skills. We also expect that Block will carry over, as well as Heavy Armor and warriors have to have the 2h weapon skill. That's 4 so far... We believe the other 2 will be 1h weapons and Athletics (having been combined with Acrobatics). So for combat skills: Block, Armor, 2h weapons, 1h weapons, Athletics and Smithing.
For a Thief/Stealth character, we know alchemy is one of the skills. Marksman should also fall under stealth, as well as sneak. Sneak and security likely combined, as well as Barter and Speech. With two skills left, I believe Hand-to-Hand will carry over as one of them, to allow stealth characters an up-close fighting skill. For the last skill, Light Armor. So, for stealth skills: Sneak, Marksman, Speech, Hand-to-Hand, Alchemy and Light Armor
We believe Alchemy made the switch to stealth based not only upon the fact that Alchemy can result in poison-making etc, but to balance each play-style (warrior, mage, thief) with an individual crafting skill.
With that in mind, we thought "What if every skill is in balance with a relatively equivalent skill".
So in order to bring balance between the play-style skill archetypes, we figured 2 skills result in more efficient attacking, 2 result in more efficient defense/damage mitigation, and 2 are a method of world interaction / crafting. In other words 2 damage, 2 defense and 2 interaction skills
Now look at the skills I selected and listed again, falling under these 3 categories.
Type Combat Magic Stealth
Dmg 1---------1h weap-------Destr--------Hand-to-hand
Dmg 2---------2h weap-------Conj----------Marksman
Def 1-----------Block-----------Resto----------Sneak
Def 2-----------H. Armr--------Alter---------L. Armor
Act 1-----------Athlet----------Illusion-------Speech
Act 2-----------Smith-----------Encht-------Alchemy
When we first built this list, using only the confirmed skills falling under each category, we began to work out which skills were most likely to carry over to fill a particular spot. I think each skill fits perfectly with it's counter-part.
So, there you have my estimation of every skill we will see in Skyrim.
Attributes.... they aren't talking about attributes yet. The menu screenshot released displays alot of information on it, but no attribute information.
They said when you level up you will gain magicka, health or stamina, not attributes. So, they have either been changed to S.P.E.C.I.A.L, increased in number, from 8 to 9 or 10... or they have been removed completely. If they copy SPECIAL, I imagine Combat, Stealth, Magic will have 2 Attributes each. These 2 Attributes will represent 3 abilities each. With the potential for a seventh, Luck attribute affecting everything. If they stuck with the old attributes, they wouldn't evenly govern 18 skills. The reason to go up to 10 from 9 is to maintain Luck as an attribute affecting all skills rather than governing particular skills
We don't think they will copy S.P.E.C.I.A.L exactly because it would be STR and END for combat, PER and INT for magic, CHA and AGI for stealth. While Agility could cover Hand-to-Hand, Light Armor and Sneak it wouldn't make much sense for Charisma to determine your skill with Alchemy or Marksman as well as speach.
It is possible that CHA and INT are the mage attributes, with PER and AGI being stealth, however that would likely result in Conjuration, Alteration and Illusion falling under the Charisma category for mages which also doesn't seem quite fitting. It could be explained as those being the spell categories which require a little more *umph* from the character, but I think thats a bit loose.
Another reason is we think it could piss off some fans who want to claim that the fallout and elder scrolls series should be kept separate.
It is possible that they stick with their original attribute system for the most part, however with 8 attributes to govern 18 skills, they couldn't govern an equal number of skills, so there would have to be 9, governing 2 skills each. If Luck is to be kept as an attribute which does not govern specific skills, then 10 must be used.
We imagine those 10 stats would look something like this:
Why does Combat get SPD? to govern athletics and block, w/ END governing Smithing and H. Armor
The other idea is that they would have to range from 1-10 in order to result in health, stamina and magicka becoming numerals in multiples of 10, as they were in the menu screenshot. Where END determines Health, one of the 3 magic ones determines magicka, and Agility determines Stamina.
So 1 of 3 attribute outcomes will be likely be used
-9 or 10 attributes, sticking with old attributes, individually ranging in value from 1-10 (maybe 1-some other number, however 10 is most likely)
-No attributes at all
A problem with having SPECIAL, or 9-10 Attributes, is that you would likely have certain attributes/special also representing Max stats (IE Health, Magicka or Stamina). We couldn't figure out a way, no matter how many combinations of various attributes/SPECIAL to reasonably balance which attribute represents which Max stat. AGI representing Stamina doesnt't really make sense.
So this leads us to conclude that removal of attributes is quite possible, and even probable.
These are just our thoughts, we are not giving a 100% guarantee that this is what you will see, however, we feel the skills are the most probable, and an attribute change/removal is required, in order to avoid dealing with problems of comnig up with a perfect attribute system, why not remove it.
We just wanted to get this out before the news was actually released, so that if we were right in the end, we wouldn't be like "I knew that this is what they would do" without evidence. haha.
I also posted nearly this exact system of skills/stats (some skill and stat differences, but having 2 defence, 2 attack, 2 interaction skills per play-style was a large part of my suggestion) a long time ago in a skill/stat suggestion forum (before the skyrim forum existed) I don't know if you can see all my previous posts, but check because I can see it and it's there... I don't have 1,000,000 posts, only like 10ish.