I used to play that very kind of character many times, now I'm trying to change and build a Mage for variation and experimentation sake.
What I can tell you is that the build you are planning gets REALLY powerful after level 30 or so.
I use to develop all the skills you mentioned with the exception of Restoration, replacing it with Enchanting and lately with Alchemy. Add smithing (unless you are a Pure Mage this is a given IMO) and there you have a multipurpose cannon.
What I'm doing now is play on Master and then Legendary (after level 25 or so) and I always smith, but I force myself to choose only one between Enchanting - Conjuration - Alchemy so to avoid being an overpowered demigod.
The rest is the same: One Handed - Archery - Light Armor - Sneak (Breton - Lord Stone - Agent of Mara) I put most perk points in Smithing, Archery and Sneak and just a couple in OH and LA.
Sneak and Archery use to develop very fast, Light Armor requires trainers (because you are not being hit) and One Handed levels up later in the game. The crafting skills obviously depending on your dedication as you may already know.
This character is almost immune to Magic and Dragon breath, even on Legendary, very stealthy and lethal as an assassin and also a very capable warrior fighter that also uses shouts. Preferred quests are Main Quest, Thieves OR Dark Brotherhood (not both), Dawnguard and Dragonborn, plus some Daedric and misc. quests. Never the Civil War.
His dead female friend has a name and it's Serana and his living female friend goes by the name of Frea. 
Hope it helps.