Okay so from initial impressions from anolyzing the trailer it seems skills as they were before are gone.
This however is not a bad thing. Maybe they are still present and working just implemented different
During the gun creation menu you can see that various things are needed including at one point the need for Science rank 2.
Skills are listed as perks it seems
Not really. If skills are listed there it just means they are not in a separate tab but consolidated into an already existing menu.
Having various conversation choices based upon skill levels can still exist, being able to interact with various game world objects such as computers and locked doors can still happen.
It just means that instead ob being listed as [Science 60/75] it will be listed something along the lines of [Science 2/4]. The effect is the same. You need a certain level of points or in this case perks to trigger that action or conversation line.
It can also potentially make for more unique character builds since now you have to use perks for skills as opposed just for other passive buffs or abilities. More stuff to choose from which overall means you get to pick less stuff. Your character upgrades become even more important
Skills are still in the game, they are just listed different but should still logically serve the same purpose, so don't throw the kitchen sink out yet.... you might yet be able to turn that into a gun as well