With all due respect, that's just nonsense. If Bethesda deemed the IP or it's fans not worthy of respect then they wouldn't have bought it at all, it wasn't cheap. What you're doing is like saying that it would be fine for the new Star Wars movie to not have the force, energy weapons, or space battles... Just ludicrous.
If you take an established IP, there are some expectations attached to it that have to be met. If you don't feel like doing that it's better to make a new IP altogether, or end up with something like DA:2, that's stuck doing nothing well and alienating the original fans as well as being unable to pull in new ones.
Some of the attitudes here to me seem really selfish and self-centered. As a person that got into the series with the modern Fallout games, I consider my opinion of the direction that the series should move towards as having inherently less value, and that is in fact the reality of it. I haven't been supporting the IP and the people behind it for such a long time and the people that have, really deserve more than to just be ditched off to the side. What is it.. almost 20 years now, since the first one? Just think on that for a few moments, before you go on with your selfish tirade of how some people are feeling unsatisfied about the direction the franchise is taking, while still hoping for all the best, mind you. And, you've what? Played 1 game and liked it. If you don't agree, then that's perfectly fine, but please at least have the decency to respect the opinion of this person that has been involved and supporting the franchise for as long as you or I have lived.
Personally, I like shooters, it's also the genre that I play the most, I have 3k hours on cs:go but I also don't understand the obsession of making every game similar in that respect, for me a lot of the value in gaming comes from the different experiences, I've never asked for every other genre to take after shooters, I'm not sure why publishers are assuming that's something us shooter fans want.
I'd really like to try out some of the things from older games, like experiencing the story of Planescape torment, or the reactivity and in depth customization and role-playing aspects of some of the isometric classics but on a modern platform. Hence, I thought that NV was actual evolution to Fallout 3, where we're getting more things and more customization, but why is it that when things are being taken out it's not being called what it is but evolution instead? Change is change and it's not good in an of itself, if your diet consists of lemons and bananas replacing those with [censored], doesn't actually help anyone, does it? What I see is regression. This is my view as a person that got introduced into the franchise via Fallout 3, and continued on into NV. All of the concerns I've read so far are completely understandable, and I hope Bethesda can find a way to make the fans of the franchise happy.