i doubt skills ever get fully taken out in a fallout game, ever since Fallout 1 and later two things have never changed; Special as atributes, and the Skills section. While some skills have disapeared (Outdoorsman, Big Guns, Traps, ect.) and some have returned aldo in a different way (Survival instead of Outdoorsman, Guns instead of Big Guns or Small Guns, etc.) it has always had skills as a fundemental game functionality. We might see some new skills being shuffled around, especialy seeing the extended crafting and such, but totaly gone i dont think they will ever be.
Also since they show the specials screen, and someone already pointed this out, Agility states that it inproves Action points sprint recovery i think it was and sneak. What should be kept in mind is that this is nothing new, it just mean the more points pooled into that atribute gives a flat increase in that skills starting value, So for sneak for example, starting with 1 agility might start it at 13, while having it at 5 might have sneak start at 20 or something like that. And that is before you tag a skill or add perks. What i dont see in the demo is just that, no "build to destroy" or "wild wasteland" perk to chose from to boost starting skills or such at character creation. Maybe it will hapen once you are in the vault, but i might not hapen at all, we will have to see.