points out that the Bobblehead stand we can build for our base has just as many spots as it did in Fallout 3, ie 7 for SPECIAL and 13 more for skill bobbleheads. It even points out what is most likely a bobblehead for explosives.
As for there not being a Skills tab in the Pipboy menu, look at what they Exactly one minute in, he's looking at the STATUS tab of the Pipboy menu, and you can only see the tab immediately adjacent to it, SPECIAL. He scrolls to the SPECIAL tab, and again we only see the tabs immediately adjacent to the one we're on: Perks to the right, and Status to the left. And in the original E3 reveal, they show off the inventory, but we never see a Miscellaneous items tab; presumably because it's the tab right of the Aid tab, which they never showed us.
So in short, there's evidence in the Bobblehead stand that skills aren't absent, and their absence from the Pipboy menu means absolutely nothing, since the menu only shows us the tabs immediately adjacent to the one we're on, and not all of them.