Does it make sense to anyone that we should be able to take RANK 4 of a perk (after taking RANK 1 thru 3) with the same SPECIAL score requirement as RANK 1? My question is making the assumption that RANK 4 provides some significant advantage to the lower ranks and having it indicates the PC is more proficient in skills or abilities that SHOULD require some higher SPECIAL score to achieve. I'm still not sold on the 7x10 perk layout with each grid slot being a stack of 2-5 tiers of a perk. I'm also not sold on the existence of perks that require god-like SPECIAL scores to obtain. I can buy requiring a score of 7 to obtain a top tier perk (and the next three RANKS of that perk requiring 8, 9 & 10), but if the buy in for a RANK 1 perk is a SPECIAL of 10, this game may well turn into a god builder simulation with 2 or 3 SPECIALS=10 being the norm.