
Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:48 am

Do people here not realize yet that if you put the word "Morrowind" in an option for a poll that is what is going to get the most votes?

Do people here not realize that other things DO get votes and it's annoying to see this statement on every single new topic?
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:32 pm

I want Morrowind skills plus some nice skills from Daggerfall such as Climbing, Thaumaturgy, Streetwise and Medical.

And if skills and linked attributes balance is broken by these adds. Just make the leveling like in Daggerfall.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:19 pm

I'm going to put my foot in it and say I never played Morrowind - but I still voted for it

Because, as long as they aren't usless- they provide more ways to play and customise and that can only be good right? :)

Fallout New Vegas was about 5 skills or so below mark, I'd estimate.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:12 pm

In Oblivion they did well by making each attribute(except luck) have 3 skills, and each specialization have 7 skills.
Besides Enchanting, all I remember Morrowind having was a greater number combat related skills, which made it unfair for other specializations. In comparison, Oblivion balanced them nicely.

Edit: nm Morrowind sorted them into 9 each. So as long as they have enough for each attrbiute, I'm all for it.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:36 pm

I voted Morrowind. Swinging a hammer at somebody's head is not the same as choping him to pieces with an axe, as stabbing somebody with a dagger isn't the same as swinging your giant claymore at someone. I also want to see marksman and throwing weapons separate, as being able to shoot with a bow doesn't mean you can throw darts. It would be nice too to see spears return (and the spear skill of course).
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:54 pm

I voted for Morrowind skillsystem, though I'm expecting it to be simplified even further from Oblivion (blade&blunt -> melee -- sneaking&lockpicking -> security -- light&heavy armor -> armor -- speech&mercantile -> social .... and such) - hopefully I'm wrong and positively surprised.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:49 pm

I think a compromise could be made in this case.

A good list of weapon skills for example would be:
Long Blades
Short Blades
Blunt weapons (I would almost go so far as to split staffs out of this category as fighting with a staff is nothing like fighting with a mace or a hammer)
Throwable weapons (Because throwing a weapon and shooting a bow are two very different things)

But that is just my opinion.

I voted 26-30 not because it is M, but because I believe it is the around the right ballpark.

Ace (SWE) had a good selection imo, I'd just toss in: Spears (many want them) and if people think Staff whould be in (agree on the comment, dont know if ppl would like the idea though) then include Staff. And Hand to Hand - goes without saying. That's = 8

Armour wise, I believe Light and Heavy are fine, they are the two different build-philosophies. Would just add Unarmored which would somehow add armor class tied to Agility (or some othe mech). That's = 3

Six magic schools, alchemy. That's = 7

Sneak, lockpicking, traps (disarm+setting), pickpocket, That's = 4

Speechcraft. mercantile = 2

Armorer, Block (should there be SHield?) = 2-3

Total = 26-27

EDIT: Forgot those dealing with: Acrobatics, Dodging (or part of Unramored ability?) and Athletics (Running+Climbing+Jumping+Swimming grouped or separate?)
So, basically 29-30
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:06 pm

I voted Morrowind, but I would like just a few major skills, 4- 5. So this is what I am good at, and I cope in different degrees with the others
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Jason Rice
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:07 pm

I'd like to see existing skills be implemented better rather than seeing more skills. For example, in oblivion marksman was only about shooting with a bow and sneaking. The damage was way too low without the sneak bonus. So how about having heavier bows in the game? So if you'd like to use a heavy steel bow, you'd need at least 60 strength to fire it, and at least 70 strength to fire it without losing fatigue. As a balancing tool, the sneak multiplier would be a bit lower (x2 instead of x3), and the bow would be twice as strong. That way, not every character using marksman is the same without cluttering the game with more skills.

Also every skill needs to be useful. Picking a hard lock shouldn't be possible until you're an apprentice of lockpicking (they're more advanced locks and you don't know how they work yet), and picking a very hard lock requires journeyman in lockpicking. Trapping greater or grand souls is not the same as trapping small souls, so have different levels of soul trap. That would actually encourage people to level up their mysticism skill. Also it would be nice to make speechcraft more rewarding. Actually befriending people through speechcraft should be way more effective than just using a charm spell.

I think once 21-25 skills are actually useful as a main skill, and usable on many different types of characters, there's no need for any more.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:39 pm

I want a large skill set. The more the merrier
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:23 am

I voted for Morrowind skillsystem, though I'm expecting it to be simplified even further from Oblivion (blade&blunt -> melee -- sneaking&lockpicking -> security -- light&heavy armor -> armor -- speech&mercantile -> social .... and such) - hopefully I'm wrong and positively surprised.

I expect this as well. Lets dumb the skill system more! But lets add "magic" (which combine all magic school and alchemy) and athletic (acrobatics + athletic). 6 skills, that should be enough. /sarcasm

The problem with what they did in Oblivion is that it removed "class" individuality. A rogue using a dagger have the same blade skill as a warrior using a claymore. A "cleric" with a mace have the same blunt skill as a barbarian using a axes. In fact, it probably contributed a lot to the "generic" feeling of Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:23 pm

Back to morrowind standard please
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:43 pm

Three skills per attribute isnt enough.
That was the problem with oblivion, you had to be careful not to level naturally, or you would end up with all sorts of problems.

Thats why Morrowind was so great. You could train your 10 skill increases at the beginning of a level and level naturally from there on, totally unbothered about if you would be able to get attributes to 100 in the end.

I would like to see more skills than oblivion had, I really missed skills as enchant, short blade and unarmored.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:48 am

I expect this as well. Lets dumb the skill system more! But lets add "magic" (which combine all magic school and alchemy) and athletic (acrobatics + athletic). 6 skills, that should be enough. /sarcasm

The problem with what they did in Oblivion is that it removed "class" individuality. A rogue using a dagger have the same blade skill as a warrior using a claymore. A "cleric" with a mace have the same blunt skill as a barbarian using a axes. In fact, it probably contributed a lot to the "generic" feeling of Oblivion.
I really didn't have the same problem. Sure, you use the same skill as other people here and there, but because of the rest of your class (your attributes, and other skills) you're still pretty much forced to use the same skill in a different way. Yes, a mage using a mace is not the same as an orc using a warhammer. But if you're going to be that strict about classes, then you'll end up with at least 7 melee damage skills. As a result, every warrior will be limited to using one specific type of weapon (you can use a warhammer, but not an axe), and every other type of weapon becomes useless. Never mind axes handling very much the same way as blunt weapons, or shortswords handling much the same as longswords.

Rather, the mage using a mace will not use warhammers because of a lack of strength, a lack of fatigue, and the fact that it doesn't function as the main tool of damaging opponents. Mages will want their weapon to be lightweight, and for quick strikes to let the enchantments or poison hit. So for a mage, the mace is still the most effective weapon, and for an orc the warhammer is still the most effective weapon. Just because the skill is the same doesn't mean the usage is the same.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:20 pm

i would really like the language skills coming back, although bit in a different context. more like decyphering (spellcheck?) books and being able to speak to foreigners when u know their language. it would be really awesome to read books in ancient languages that u find in ruins when u are a mage/scholar. would also make a difference in playing a brute and well lets say a monk or something.
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:04 pm

I want something more along the lines of GURPS's number of skills, I don't know the exact number, but it has the right idea with skills to me. I'll list off the A skills found just in the core book, that should give an idea about it.

Animal Handling
Area Knowledge

Now yes, I know many of those skills wouldn't work too well in The Elder Scrolls, however how cool would it be to make a character who not only knows how to brew potions and tame animals, but also knows how to use the stars to navigate and knows a bit about the land and would be able to tell just by observing some old ruins what type of people lived there, and what the ruins were used for and even estimate when these ruins were built. Oh, and he can probably use a mace too, that might be helpful, but only if he has enough points after getting accounting.

This is just going on the A skills, and even if we removed all the skills that wouldn't be around at the time, or ones that wouldn't be too useful to an adventurer (Like artist or accounting, as an adventurer needs Disguise and Trading/Mercantile more), it would still be a ton more skills and a ton more chance for insane amounts of variation between each game.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:03 pm

I liked the Daggerfall skillset, only Dodge would be useless in a modern game.

Running and Swimming are two different skills, why not have a character that is athletic but can't swim very well?
The language skills aren't necessarily useless when implemented well.

I would like to see more crafting skills in addition to alchemy (cooking, sewing, smithing, enchanting)

And some optional hidden skills that remain locked until you learn them in the game (like necromancy and a martial arts style that replaces and improves unarmed)

Magic should have eight schools instead of five.

Thaumaturgy (levitation, feather, detection)
Alteration (shields, unlock, sharpen blade)
Illusion (light, chameleon, earwig, ...)
Destruction (...)
Mysticism (...)
Restoration (...)
Necromancy (turn undead, reanimate corpse, ...)
Manipulation (charm, sleep, wake, frenzy, ...) -> charm has nothing to do with light or sound, it's manipulating someones mind so it should be a different school.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:21 pm

Just remembered the perfect example of the Correct number of skills for a computer game. Dwarf Fortress.

That link has a list of all the skills in it, yes, a ton of them are crafting, and there's no magic system, but add in magic (and tons of em) and a bunch more here and there as necessary and you have the correct number of skills for Skyrim.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:21 pm

i never played daggerfall so i voted morrowind, oblivion didnt have enough imo
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Mel E
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:09 am

Just remembered the perfect example of the Correct number of skills for a computer game. Dwarf Fortress.

That link has a list of all the skills in it, yes, a ton of them are crafting, and there's no magic system, but add in magic (and tons of em) and a bunch more here and there as necessary and you have the correct number of skills for Skyrim.

Skyrim totally needs soapmakers. :P
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:26 am

Just remembered the perfect example of the Correct number of skills for a computer game. Dwarf Fortress.

That link has a list of all the skills in it, yes, a ton of them are crafting, and there's no magic system, but add in magic (and tons of em) and a bunch more here and there as necessary and you have the correct number of skills for Skyrim.

Someone pls include this option in the poll, I'm changing my vote NOW! Because MORE is ALWAYS good!!!!
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:17 pm

Daggerfall, he, he....

EDIT: Or yeah, DF's skills are appropriate
Who's in for butchering some dragons?
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:26 pm

After looking at the Morrowind skills for the first time, I think it should be like them. I love how theres an unarmered skill, and an axe skill. (Instead of axes just being counted as 'blunt objects'.)
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:17 pm

I voted Morrowind because it was closest to the balance of not too many and not too little.

  • Long Blade
  • Blunt
  • Axe
  • Staves (this would include staffs, spears, halberds etc)
  • Heavy Armor
  • Medium Armor
  • Block
  • Armorer
  • Athletics

  • Destruction
  • Alteration
  • Illusion
  • Conjuration
  • Necromancy
  • Mysticism
  • Restoration
  • Enchant
  • Alchemy

  • Security
  • Sneak
  • Acrobatics
  • Short blade
  • Light armor
  • Marksman (keep in mind this is a skill for ranged weaponry. Not just bows. That's why it's called marksman and not archery)
  • Mercantile
  • Speechcraft
  • Hand to hand

As far as critical strike % goes, I think that should be based on how high your weapon skill is with said weapon. And certain weapons should have a higher critical strike chance in general. For instance a character with 100 short blade should get more critical strikes then a character with 100 blunt.
At least that's my opinion.
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Post » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:13 am

Skyrim totally needs soapmakers. :P

Whats up? I shower at least once a year!
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