Skirim lags

Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:56 pm

Hello everyone im new on this forum and newbie in Elder scrolls Skirim .

Im haveng big problems in my game after hour it stars lags so that its unplayable and i need to reset PS3 every time and its being more and more worse.

Im finding fixes if some are avaible

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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:06 pm

oh, boy how should we start.

Go to Game - Game Data Utility - and erase the SKYRIM folder

Install the game again without internet connection.

Start the game and choose NEW.

After the opening scene in the carriage do the following:

Push start > on your controller and go with L1 or R1 to System - Settings - Gameplay and put the following off: (push X for that)

Save on Rest [ ]
Save on Wait [ ]
Save on Travel [ ]
Save on Character Menu <| Disabled |>

Play the game and if you finish the quest "Unbound" make a save and exit the game

Now with your internet enabled update the game to 1.09 or 2.09 (it's the same) and it will start automatically.

After update switch off your internet.

Now start the game again load you save file with LOAD and you are ready to play.

** It is advisable to free some space in your PS3 HDD for better performance. **

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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:47 pm

Read my post in this thread.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:09 pm

Welcome to Skyrim. Are playing regular version or the "legendary" version? I'm curious. As for the issues, it's normal. It's pronounced more if you play a well made game and then play Skyrim. As for the 28 step guide to installing Skyrim above, it doesn't do anything. But if you'd like to try, sure, why not? I play with autosaves on and I doubt that I get less or more lag than you do. It depends solely on people's sensitivity towards performance. Me, a year ago you would have found me [censored]ing and complaining in this forums a lot. That was until I stopped caring (maybe I've been brainwashed). Every time I see lag it doesn't bother me that much anymore. The only fix, you already know: restart the PS3 every hour or so when you are feeling the game lagging. It's temporary. That's all you can do.

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Bek Rideout
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:10 pm

If you read carefully what the guy say, you will realize that's the common procedure that somebody will do installing SKYRIM for the first time.

Fact 1: He is a newbie to SKYRIM

Fact 2: After 1 hour he has lag, and that's not normal. Nobody should have lag after 1 hour of playing (only)

So i thought he had done something wrong with the first time installment.

And tell me please how much different have you done it for the first time. ????? (They are no hundred ways to do that !!!!)

And as for the auto saves, you can leave it on if you want, bethesda and i personally suggest to turn them of.

And that's it... :thanks:

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:10 pm

Welcome to the club. I hate to be the one to tell you, you paid too much for your game. There are plenty of discussion here and on other boards to help you understand this statement. Primarily, the reason is the state of the game as a whole. It's not finished by a long shot. The more your play, the more you will come to understand this.

Anyway, do not mistake my sour statements for a complete down-trodden attitude towards the game. The concept is excellent. The open sand-box nature of the game is excellent (minus the few things shoved at you). But, the execution is less than stellar; which is par for the course in all Bethesda games. Keep in mind, that you would never purchase a family car that had to be constantly taken to the shop for repairs and brag about how wonderful it is. The real world calls a vehicle like that a lemon. Yet, hardcoe Skyrim fans do exactly that. They rave about how wonderful the game is and in the same breath ask for workarounds or fixes. It's something I continue to struggle with.

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