Errr drugs are taught in biolgy? And no most drugs are not chemicaly addicting not physically you obviously dont know most addictions wont cause you to have side affects from withdrawls that are physical only mental so a "stat reduction" if you dont have skooma (as some other person suggested) wouldnt work because skooma is most likely only chemicaly addicting not physically so a stat reduction would make no sense
They were taught in my Biology class too, since drugs have their effects through biological processes and biochemistry. They make you feel ways for a reason
Anyways, I think it would be cool, but if Skooma doesn't play a very large part of the game (such as it was in Oblivion) then I don't see what the merits of having an addiction system are if you only run into it in a blue moon. It would have to have a lot more presence in the underground sections of society. It Morrowind it was fine because there was plenty of Skooma and Moon Sugar to go around, but I can't see that happening in Skyrim. Nords would drink alcohol much more than they'd use Skooma. Limitless mead makes drugs like that unnecessary.