I recently entered a cave where there was argument between bandits over an unnamed sword of a fair skinned lady. So as me and my wife clear out the cave I find at the end we're maxed out with about 20-25 lbs over what we're going to carry. So as I drop some dragon scales and a Dwemer cog on the floor, instead of just trotting out to the next objective. I carefully placed my items onto the shrine or alter and I thought to myself as if what im leaving is the evidence of a crime scene, "Here's lies the marks of the Dragonborn Johnson, & it looks like some shady business with the Dwemer too..." As one detective speaks to his parrtner in a voice reminiscent of a Chapelle show sketch.
Now that is just one of many things I've loved as I've gone through this game, and i felt for some odd reason to make my first post about it. I've been reading your fine peoples work for the last week or two and have been thinking in my head about sharing my character to the world... I mean I tell my friends who have their own Guys but to put it into writing...
But I digress, I mean some of what the creative people do with this game blows me away (though I've had my share and have been silently laughing over them in my sic mind I guess) But I saw someone do 25k cheese wheels rolling down a mountainside... Lol I mean whoa

I just hit the 175 hr mark and am at level 48 without finishing off the MQ (but I suspect I'm close) & I could not thank Bethesda enough if I met one of them in person. The quibbles aside this game is a piece of work / art and I already have my 2nd character Q'd up as a 2h heavy armor wearing Orc

Miyamoto Musashi,
Level 48
Playtime 174.09.26