Hi everyone, first time poster but a long time fan- I love skyrim and all of the main Elder Scrolls games! Hopefully I have the right forum...
I shared this with reddit earlier this week, and the reaction caught me off guard. Apparently people varied between thinking this was the best thing ever and signs that I need to talk with someone...so I figured, why not share it with a group with similar interests! I honestly wasn't expecting the reaction it got, and I hope it makes a few of you smile.
Here's a link to the reddit thread where I answered a lot of questions:
And lastly, here's ANOTHER link where I and two others (niilo789 and drkrills on reddit) transcribed the first 22 pages into something that was actually readable. My short hand is terrible.
Thanks so much for reading! I noticed I wasn't able to post links, and I apologize if this goes against the forum rules. It seemed easier to just link to what I'd already set up on third party sites rather then restructuring everything, but I would be happy to do so if the mods demand.
It would seem as though your forum security doesn't allow for new posters to include links in their content fields, which makes sense! Darn bots ruining it for everyone else. If some one (or some mod) could, I would love it if they replied to this first post with the necessary links. Google'ing "skyrim journal" and "reddit" should give you all the info you need- I would really appreciate it!