I recently upgraded to the legendary edition of skyrim (because its cheaper than buying the dlc on their own) and found I couldn't actually play the damn thing.
Would experience a CTD at some point during the opening sequence with Ralof, Lokir, and Ulfric in the cart.
After some assistance from Support I determined that Steam fricking svck because while installing the LE Steam decides to only install about 8gb of the game from disk and wants to download the other 5gb. But didn't download it correctly and I had to do a "verify game cache" to fix the problem.
So problem sorted and I could play.
But I wanted SkyUI, and SkyRE.
So I installed like 20 mods including SkyUI and SkyRE.
And at first insta CTD right away before even hitting the menu. Which I fixed by doing a bashed patch.
But now I am experiencing (with mods) the same problem as with out - CTD during the opening sequence. So I decided i'd need to methodically determine what was causing the problem; which mod or combination of mods was breaking my game. It's taken me most of the last week of fighting with Skyrim but I have finally determined the problem.
SKSE plugins.
It doesn't even matter which plugins - just any plugin active and the game CTDs during the opening sequence. Which of course means I will be losing a lot of the functionality of SkyRE if I can't use plugins with SKSE.
Basically I have no mods on except for SKSE and it runs fine. No mods and I put in a plugin (the uncapper) and it CTDs.
Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this so I can actually play my game the way I want?