SKSE plugin - where can I put cleanup code?

Post » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:08 am

I have an OBSE plugin that collects player actor values on a timer and sends changes out over a network socket for display on my Android tablet. I did this to help with efficient leveling, so I wouldn't be spending a lot of time in the menus figuring out where I was regarding leveling. Now that I'm on to Skyrim (finally), I would like to do something similar. In the OBSE plugin, I used the OBSEMessagingInterface::kMessage_ExitGame message to clean up my timer and socket, but that message doesn't appear to exist in SKSE. Is there another place I can put cleanup code? I've looked through the source some, but am not finding a hook for exit game. What am I missing?


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CArla HOlbert
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