#. Name - Author *
#: Purpose
* = integrated into SKSE
1. PapyrusUtil - meh123?
2. DienesTools - Dienes
3. InventoryFunctions - Quad2Core
4. SkyUILib - schlangster, MrJack
5. MagExtender - egocarib
6. FISS - ?
7. JContainers - ?
1: Lots of utility functions, something about writing to arrays or formlists faster?
2: ?
3. Adds functions related to inventories and poisons.
4. Adds functions related to interfaces and new interfaces (color/symbol notifications, text input, & list menu).
5. Adds functions related to magic effects.
6. Allows loading and saving MCM options.
7. Allows exporting and importing between saves. Some other stuff?
If I wrote something wrong tell me and help me fill in the gaps.