SkyEnd needs a new modder

Post » Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:41 am

--What it is

SkyEnd is a complete Skyrim Overhaul which has additional features such as :

Changelogs below

- The ability to control your own weight by eating, drinking and sleeping.

- Non-Vampires characters need to eat&sleep in order to survive, manage their weight, and sleep so they can be at full power in order to fight.

- Complete Werewolf and Vampire overhaul with immersive messages. (Example: when you turn into a vampire your hair would turn silver-grey and your skin would be white, when you turn into a werewolf your hair would turn black-red.)

- Item's restricted by player's weight, if you are under a certain weight threshold a notification will tell you that you can't wear that armor unless you gain more strength(in this case, weight..)

- Non-Vampire/Werewolf characters get some love too, potions that regenerate given to you by the nine divines, adrenaline rush effect that refunds part of your magicka, stamina and health and more.

- Overhauled creatures, diseases and more. (For example, a Bear's power attacks would throw you around if you are below a certain weight threshold, or paralyze you with basic attacks with a certain rate of success.)

- Overhauled perks, addition of subclasses.

- Athletics overhaul, increases your stats by using them, not by leveling up. Leveling up has been made obsolete, it's just a number.

There are more features to be added and these are not all of them that are present in current day iteration of SkyEnd. If you want to find out more about SkyEnd, click one of the two pictures in my signature.

--What it needs--

A modder that knows how to do these:

- Make/Edit an NPC and dialogue for the NPC, know how to make full use of the editor, npc behaviors and so on.

- Make interesting quests.

- Optional: Make interesting/simple rooms.

And TESTERS, as many as possible, I want to deliver a high quality overhaul, but I am only a developer, I only have time to test my changes and scripts in a closed environment.

I'm looking for artists and modelers too, but your help in this stage of SkyEnd will be minimal, unless you decide to make something of your own that you would want to implement or jump ahead of the plan.


When did this start? 7 of November.

I know the job description is pretty vague but my knowledge of these things are very limited, I only know how to make spells and script the hell out of pretty much anything.

I myself am only a somewhat experienced scripter/spell designer with little knowledge about the above, and I have no time as I am working morning to dawn on this mod.

I've made a few topics like these a few months ago and I haven't gotten any interest, since then I've been working non-stop on this mod and I hope some people might show some interest.

This is the v0, the baseline for the mod.

Changes done to Werewolves:Endurance Magic Ability:All of your spells cost Stamina to cast.All of your spells do 50% less damage and last 50% less, the cost of your spells are 150% of the magicka cost of the spell, the less stamina you have, the less damage you will do with your spells(Capped at 90% less damage).Werewolves regenerate 5% of their total health per second.Werewolves take 15% damage from any weapon that isn't a Silver Weapon and from any spell that isn't a Fire Spell.(They only take 15% of the total damage that would be inflicted, example: You would take 200 damage from an attack, but you only take 15% of that which is 30.)Werewolves take 200% more damage from Silver weapons and Fire spells.Werewolves in Creature Form regenerate 20% of their health per second.Your attacks have higher chance to stagger your enemies.Healing spells are twice as effective.Changes done to Vampires:Blood Magic Ability:All of your spells cost Health to cast.All of your spells do 50% more damage and last 50% more, the cost of your spells are 50% of the magicka cost of the spell. You can die if you cast a spell and you don't have enough health to pay.If Vampires equip Silver weapons they take damage over time and their regeneration powers are halted.Vampires lose health over time during daytime and their regeneration powers are halted.Vampires regenerate 10% of their health per second.Vampires take 15% damage from any weapon that isn't a Silver Weapon and from any spell that isn't a Fire Spell.(They only take 15% of the total damage that would be inflicted, example: You would take 200 damage from an attack, but you only take 15% of that which is 30.)Vampires take 200% more damage from Silver weapons and Fire spells.Vampires do not use Stamina. This also means that once you become a Vampire you can no longer increase your Health pool or Stamina pool using the athletics.Before getting hit by a weapon time is slowed by 35% for 1 second, enough time for you to block it.Healing spells and potions have no effect.Changes done to Non-Vampires/Werewolves:Combat Mini-Game: Get hit or block a hit 5 times and you will regen 10% of your health instantly, 20% of Stamina and 30% of Magicka, this mini-game's purpose is to reward players for being good at the game.Addition of Regenerable Potions, once every 20 seconds you will receive a potion that regenerates 15% of your total Health on use, if you are in combat the potions are received faster, you can only have a maximum of 3. You lose these potions if you become a Werewolf or a Vampire.New Spell: "I am ALIVE!" - Invulnerability for 6 seconds, after this effect ends your Health, Stamina and Magicka become 1. Cooldown 20 seconds._________________________________________________________________________________________________Below are the changes for SkyEnd - Realism, mostly balance changes. They are included in this version.- You can train your skills on Training Dummies, props to CarlCorey for his Training Dummies mod, several QoL changes have been done to it.(If the Mod doesn't appear in the Mod Configuration Menu then download the mod from here: Training Dummies Mod by Carl Corey)- Movement Speed scales with Stamina, the less Stamina you have the slower you move and the opposite.- Your physical damage scales with Stamina, the less Stamina you have the less damage you will do, capped at 40% less damage.- Regeneration's tweaked for all races. Stamina and Magicka regenerate quickly while Health barely regenerates at all.- Carry Weight/Jump Height scales with your Stamina.- Jumping, jogging and attacking now costs/drains Stamina.- Combat Mini-Game: Get hit or block a hit 5 times and you will regen 10% of your health instantly, 20% of Stamina and 30% of Magicka, this mini-game's purpose is to reward players for being good at the game. Only works for Non-Vampires and Non-Werewolves- Level Restricted Armors, you can't wear certain armors unless you meet the level requirements to wear it. You can also not craft certain armors unless you have the perk for those armors. Perks in the Smithing Tree are restricted by Player Level and not by Smithing Level, so you can only craft the armors you can wear. - Perks in the smithing tree enhance the armor by 1.15X stacking with each perk you learn.- Hide and Leather Armor recipes moved to the Tanning Rack, armor ratings have been tweaked for tiers, smithing tree has two new perks: Leatherworking and Ironsmithing.New Recipes:1 Torch - 1 Leather Strip, 1 Charcoal and 1 Firewood at the Tanning Rack.3 Charcoal - 1 Firewood at the Smelter.All ingots now require 1 Charcoal to craft in addition to their original recipe.1 Leather - 5 Leather Strips at the Tanning Rack4 Leather Strips - 1 Leather at the Tanning Rack__________________________Level Restrictions for Armors: Hide Armor - Level 0Leather Armor - Level 3Iron Armor - Level 5Steel Armor - Level 10Elven Armor - Level 15Glass Armor - Level 20Advanced Armor - Level 23Orcish Armor - Level 25Dwarven Armor - Level 27Ebony Armor - Level 30Daedric Armor - Level 35Dragon Armor - Level 40__________________________------------------Compatible with Custom Armors !------------------- You can only get a maximum of 50% Physical and Magical Resistance.- Weapons scale better with Skill Levels(2.0X).- Armor Ratings scaling has been set lower so you will reach that 50% cap much harder.(0.06)- Blocking with a shield now blocks 90% of the damage dealt to you.- You no longer gain any stats for pressing the STAMINA/HEALTH/MAGICKA buttons each time you level-up, this system has been replaced by my own Athletics script.Athletics explanation:You increase your Stamina and/or Magicka by using them.The ammount of Stamina or Magicka you gain is in direct corelation with your character level, the higher you are the more you get. Stamina is capped at 1000 for balancing reasons.- Your Health scales directly with Stamina, Health is 75% of your Stamina.- Skill Levels have no cap(which also means you can no longer respec a Skill Tree).- You deal more damage and take more damage in return(250%) at all difficulty levels.- All Skills start from 1, this will make leveling easier, not that it matters(or does it?!).- Level cap set to 100.

This is v0.1, a ROUGH changelog:

Trolls quicky regenerate health. DONEFast Travel is permanently disabled. DONEBear's attacks paralyze (50%) if you are under a certain weight(<=27), and 100% chance to throw you around with a power attack if you are under a certain weight(<=27). DONEDeath Hounds hit harder and slow you by 100(this almost means to a standstill, basically a mini-stun) for 1 second. DONEWolves run faster - 150 base speed. Rockjoint disease now lowers your onehanded/twohanded dramatically. Wolves are immune to poison. DONEVampire NPC's quickly regenerate health. DONEWhen the player turns into a vampire his hair color turns white. [ColorForm < (000a0437)>] DONEWhen the player turns into a werewolf his hair color turns red. DONE-Weight Changing Script  DONE	- Closing Menu adapt weight DONE	- Water Percentage DONE	- Food Percentage DONE	- Changing weight every 1 hour DONE	- Add Death timer for Water and Food DONE [14 days for food, 7 days for water]-Add sleeping timer- Timescale lowered to 6.- Beast Form static stats.- Leveled NPC's.- Sanguine Vampiris sets your hp to 1.- Leveling up harder.- vampires take damage from 8 to 20:00- vampires take damage if they have a fire spell equipped or torch or silver.Vampires regenerate only 1% of their health per second and 15% of their missing health per second.Vampires take damage from sunlight from 8 in the morning to 20:00 at dawn and if the light level is above 70, that way you can use the shadows to hide from the sunlight.Leveled Encounter Zones.Blood Magic is stronger the lower health the caster is at, capped at +40% more damage. DONEWerewolves regenerate 1% of their max Stamina as health + 10% of their missing stamina as health per second. This regeneration is doubled in Beast Form. DONEItem Restriction script now scales with Player Weight rather than by Player Level. DONELeather Armor <= 9Iron <= 18Steel <= 27Elven <= 36Glass <= 45Advanced <= 54Orcish <= 63Dwarven <= 72Ebony <= 81Daedric <= 90Dragon <= 99


IMPORTANT CHANGES!!- Your level is based on how much health you have divided by a formula. Leveling up has been made impossible or close to impossible(you'd have to play for days to get a level up now, and it won't matter because it gets re-set to the formula immediately after.) You level up by gaining stats, your stats reset back to full after leveling up as usual. This is now the new way to level up. DONE      - In respect to the above change the athletics script that scaled off your player level has been tweaked to accommodate the changes. DONE- Stamina no longer capped at 1000, but Athletics caps at 1000, which means you can't have 3000 stamina and jump into the skybox or run at lightspeed.  DONE- Timescale lowered to 6. DONE- If you have completed Clavicus's Vile quest, you will no longer take damage from the sun/wearing torches/wearing silver/wearing fire spells as a Vampire. DONE- Beast Form static stats. DONE- Vampires take damage if they have a fire spell equipped or torch or silver. DONEVampires regenerate only 1% of their health per second and 15% of their missing health per second. DONEVampires can hide in the shade to avoid taking damage from the sun during the day, fire sources in interiors will hurt you, basically anything that emanates heat and/or light can hurt you. DONE- Encounter Zones have been tweaked, all the zones will accommodate to your current level(which now scales with how much health you have, which indirectly scales with your stamina, you have no level cap) DONE- Combat Minigame for nonvamps/werewolf tweaked and fixed, only triggers if you're blocking =p DONE
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